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Anyone ever experience lowered libido when running test and mast for an extended period? Say 12-14 weeks? Mast 600 wk
Test 800 wk


Yep! 250 test E and 200 mast mix (50 prop/ 150 E) EOD.

Libido isnt really the issue. I always want it, but getting off takes FOREVER!
Honestly, I get bored with it after about an hour, hour and a half, plus im outta wind at that time. Not an issue right now anyway, wifey sick.
sounds like a nice stack. I went to the docs to see if I could get on test, but i failed miserably
Shasta said:
sounds like a nice stack. I went to the docs to see if I could get on test, but i failed miserably
Shastasames here 🙁

Dint listen to one doc. Many gush in the sea, and theres 7 seas!

Got turned down twice, third doc was like duh! Sure buddy.
problem by me was trying to even get in in the first place
I'm going straight test E starting today for a couple weeks and see if things don't even out. Thanks for the replies.
Never had any issues with mast .. but i guess everyone is different i do run test higher
and sometimes maybe a little cialis or viagra will help level it out

I hate illness..... But Sweety being under the weather has been a saving grace lol.
It was my AI and low E2 that was the culprit, switched to adex from Aromasin and all is back to normal... whew..forgot what it was like to be a horny mofo. Lol I know people are different, I guess I am hyper sensitive to Aromasin??? was at 12.5 eod and along with the mast it bottomed out my energy, night sweats, wanted to sleep constantly, no desire to workout, no desire for sex.....

Hey wish I'd of seen this sooner i take the 12.5mg aromiasin also and accidentally did it 2 days in a row and felt horrible for a week! I do 12.5mg e4d and it works great, or adex eod to e3d
Kuntrykok said:
It was my AI and low E2 that was the culprit, switched to adex from Aromasin and all is back to normal... whew..forgot what it was like to be a horny mofo. Lol I know people are different, I guess I am hyper sensitive to Aromasin??? was at 12.5 eod and along with the mast it bottomed out my energy, night sweats, wanted to sleep constantly, no desire to workout, no desire for sex.....
Prob. would have been good to know this up front, someone may have caught it earlier. PCT always seems to be left off of descriptions, not sure why. The stuff is just as important as the gear itself

I was just focusing on the gear and not the AI. Lesson learned. 🙂
Yeah aromasin can get your estrogen too low. Its the closest thing next to letro to estrogen suicide
Re: Re: Masteron

Swampjuice said:
Yeah aromasin can get your estrogen too low. Its the closest thing next to letro to estrogen suicide
SwampjuiceActually aromasin is a suicide inhibitor. It actually kills existing estrogen instead of just blocking it from being converted. You probably wouldve been ok with aromasin just at a lower or less frequent dose. Im sensitive to ai's as well. 0.3mg of adex mwf is plenty for me

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