Mestanolone (MDHT)


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Anyone every use this compound? I am going to cap it at 25mgs per cap and give it a run. I hear it's like winny but w/o the joint pain. Will update with my results.

Mestanolone is the C-17 alpha alkylated version of dihydrotestosterone. This, of course, makes it orally bioavailable. It also adds some progestational activity to the molecule1. Methyl dihydrotestosterone cannot convert to estrogen, but it does bind strongly to SHBG which can displace estrogen into circulation possibly resulting in estrogenic side effects. As stated, dihydrotestosterone is deactivated in skeletal muscle by 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase as will Mestanolone2. However, if large enough doses are taken, it is possible that this enzyme may be overwhelmed and mestanolone would therefore bind to the AR resulting in quite strong anabolism but it has not been determined scientifically if this is possible and what dose would achieve this effect. Some people have an abnormal attraction to dihydrotestosterone and methyl dihydrotestosterone. They reason that since dihydrotestosterone is a stronger androgen that it must be a better anabolic and they refuse to acknowledge that these steroids are deactivated in skeletal muscle. The reason is probably due to the strong effect that dihydrotestosterone has on the psyche of the user. dihydrotestosterone will increase aggression and can cause significant strength gains though nervous stimulation.
i thought this was an interesting compound, but never seen it for sale except international...

seems like would be a stronger version of proviron.. let's us know how it goes for you
I know airsealed carries it. A member on an old board used to RAVE about it and say his boners and sex drive has never been more insane. And that in fact his wife forbid him to run it while on Tren cuz she can never walk. He couldnt stop saying good things. But Ive never ran it and as I understood is it is kinda harsh.

Try posting up in airsealed subforum and im sure overb will chime in 8)
I know of a lab that carries it. And have tried it. I actually liked it a lot. Its like a super version of proviron. It dries you out nicely with mild strength gains and seemed to fill the muscles effectively too. Used to pop 30mgs along with 30mgs dbol pre workout........worked great!
Augustwest said:
I know airsealed carries it. A member on an old board used to RAVE about it and say his boners and sex drive has never been more insane. And that in fact his wife forbid him to run it while on Tren cuz she can never walk. He couldnt stop saying good things. But Ive never ran it and as I understood is it is kinda harsh.

Try posting up in airsealed subforum and im sure overb will chime in 8)
Hey august,
That's where I ordered it from, thanks for the info bro.
Z82 said:
I know of a lab that carries it. And have tried it. I actually liked it a lot. Its like a super version of proviron. It dries you out nicely with mild strength gains and seemed to fill the muscles effectively too. Used to pop 30mgs along with 30mgs dbol pre workout........worked great!
cool bro, I was gonna cap it at 30mg but may do it at 15 or 20 just so I can dose 2 x per day @ 15 or 20mgs.
Thanks man!
krustus said:
i thought this was an interesting compound, but never seen it for sale except international...

seems like would be a stronger version of proviron.. let's us know how it goes for you
will do Krust, gonna kind of log my experience w/ it. Been on provirion for a couple months and gonna stop it and run the MDHT and compare.
Ok capped the Mestanolone (MDHT) @ 50 mgs per cap and started with 1 cap per day in the a.m., it's been a little over a week and have already noticed more oil on skin and increased acne especially on chest and upper arms. Strength is good no huge noticeable differences yet, though it seems endurance and focus in the gym is up quite a bit. Noticeably more muscle soreness after training due to the increased intensity with workouts. Already pretty lean and dry and on Masteron E haven't noticed any increased hardness except in the cawk. Lol Mood is great and sex drive is off the chain. Compounds currently in use:

Test 750 per week
Masteron E 900 per week
EQ 750 per week
Aromasin 25 mg every day
MDHT @ 50 mg per day

Will report back next week.
I've seen it available from one of my sources, its not all that pricy to produce if there's demand for it I could try and make tabs of it soon
quick update, been on 1 month and started to get some fucking huge zits on my back, chest and even on my face which never happened even when going through puberty. Backed down the dose to 25mg's per day for the last few days and skin is starting to clear up. Just think I over did the DHT with this and Provirion, and Mast P and E. Strength is off the fucking chain, pumps incredible, and endurance like a 1 legged man in an ass kicken contest. Ha! I will have some left over, since I can't keep my skin clear enough for 45 years old at my job w/o everyone knowing I am juicing. I was acne prone during puberty, so I assume thats why the sides now....... they are @ 50mgs per cap if anyone is interested in a couple hundred caps of MDHT.....I bought 3 packs of 5 grams from AS2 on his last sale. If interested I would be interested in trading for:

Test P
Test E
Mast P
Mast E



I have done deals with several bros here and over at the old BOP and IronMag so I am straight up business when it comes to our shit at hand.

thanks bros!

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