Mid Life Crisis 40 yrs old and hung up on big bench weights


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I figured I would entertain you all by telling you what I've been up to recently. I have this goal of being able to bench 450 lbs raw. Back before I tore my biceps things were going rather well and I did the sloppiest bounce with 405 off my chest(lucky I didn't hurt myself). Now since my recovery, I've been lifting with a team of powerlifters with this fascination of benching heavy weight. Im back up to 385 with a pause at the bottom and having a ton of fun. ITs only the bench lol. Everything else I do is bodybuilding concepts, less weight more reps etc. Anyone else retarded also?????
Been there repped it...I'll never get there again or will I 😉
When it comes to quad training...I stray from my normal workout pattern. Everything else is moderate weight and high reps with strict form. But with quads I go as heavy as I can. But even so...I rarely work below 12 reps. Love the physical and mental challenge.
lol... everyone is a little crazy in this game... i've gotten up to 365 with no spotter (i workout alone) don't think i'll ever get the elusive 405, but i would love too.
tkasch30 said:
Wow! I benched 225lbs x 10 the other day and i was happy as hell. Lol
I feel the same way, when I go heavy bench to many things start to hurt. My partner is the opposite he always has to finish with 405 plus but he is but he is 30. Funny last week a kid came in not a BB I talk to him sometimes, well two guys that always push heavy weight were doing 385 and he asked them to work in they laughed and said sure. He fucking rep'd it then went to 5 plates on each side hit that for 3 rest pause then added 50lbs hahah this guy is maybe 220

Now what I dont get is they all out weigh and out bench me by q mile but none of he fuckers can DL or rack pull more than me?
best advice i ever took was forget about numbers, on the bar and on the scale, i use the mirror and the tape. but i think we all need goals and if thats how you motivate yourself i think its great, i think you picked a number that's obtainable but not easy and thats awesome, you can do it by the start of fall i bet. stay on target !
Yeah i dont personally care too much about the weight. Its nice to see yourself progress and get stronger but im more interested in the mirror honestly. Ive seen plenty,of guys lift waaaay more then me but they might look like shit too. ,lol. For a little shit, i have decent strength. alot of bench pressing is about technique too
Flat Bench is the worst exercise as far as function there is. Has absolutely no purpose other than to say "I can bench X amount". It's not a size or mass builder. Now, the incline bench.....that's a different story 😉
TSizemore said:
Flat Bench is the worst exercise as far as function there is. Has absolutely no purpose other than to say "I can bench X amount". It's not a size or mass builder. Now, the incline bench.....that's a different story 😉
Damn right and soon I will be saying it lmao
TSizemore said:
Flat Bench is the worst exercise as far as function there is. Has absolutely no purpose other than to say "I can bench X amount". It's not a size or mass builder. Now, the incline bench.....that's a different story 😉
And here i thought i was the only one that thought that! Lol. I feel it best with 15 or 30 degree incline
lith56bigguy said:
Damn right and soon I will be saying it lmao
Fucking kill it...there are times I wish I could go super heavy but I'm just not built for it. Even incline db hurt when I go over the 100's but it is cool to watch someone bench so much weight the bar starts to curve.
Feel the same way!! I don't like to lift heavy anymore usually nothing under 5 reps and I stay away from flat bench completely

TSizemore said:
Flat Bench is the worst exercise as far as function there is. Has absolutely no purpose other than to say "I can bench X amount". It's not a size or mass builder. Now, the incline bench.....that's a different story 😉
Used to lift heavy but the older I get the more that shit hurts!! I got up to 375 by myself at one point but since the bicep tear, the numbers just aren't there. Think I'll pump myself with some TB500 and see what kind of healing response I get from that. Set them goals brother and hit it til ya whip it!!
Bro , mid life crisis is 50 for us man.
I can only get to 405 when I am bulking and totally juiced up. Good job man.
tkasch30 said:
And here i thought i was the only one that thought that! Lol. I feel it best with 15 or 30 degree incline
I only do incline and I have it inclined up 80°. I put good arch in my back and isolate the pecs. Wide grip...as wide as possible. Love it!

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