Mild cutting cycle opinions?


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
So I have a bottle of Winny and some ephedrine and even a bottle of clen. Was thinking.. using winny+ephedrine and obviously cutting calories back to do a cut.

Would this be dumb to use without a test base? I'm just using to drop some bf%. Or would I end up loosing too much of everything without a test base?
don't think you really 'need' a test base with winny

of course test is always recommended
tkasch30 said:
Oral only cycle...disaster everytime. Lol
Not true especially with a mild one...
Some of my best have been oral only
Test really only needed for sex drive in many cases.
Winny low dose should be fine
Of course however adding at least a little test would do wonders..

Many athletes do winny only cycles..

It depends on your goals, diet, current stats, etc
It will work but becareful after you finish. You will have shut yourself down dropped bf and muscle and you will have a bitch of time retaing muscle after you come off. This is true even in a cycle with test but if you dont cruise or hop back on quick your results are going to be very short lived. For some a short term look is all they want but IMO its a waste of time and money.
I have to agree with grim on this, Tkasch is just restating common mistruths about oral cycles. In fact, gains/sides ratio is far greater for oral only than injectable, which is ultimately the desired results. That said, a mix of the two at the lowest possible dosage is the way to go.
Results made and results kept will be determined by diet and then workout routine...but mostly diet.
for a non competition cut why use any AAS , just the clen and or ephedrine with caloric deficit and cardio .. you think some winny for hardening the muscles is necessary? visually it might not even be noticeable depending on your condition , id say if you insist use it last 4 weeks but clen and cardio , that's cutting
yes, but I cant imagine taking clen AND ephedrine heart would explode. lol

If OP is wanting to cut BF, should use 1 correctly... and workout/cardio correctly.
Thanks for the input guys. I think I'll just use clen and ephedrine until I get to the desired weight and save my winny for a later cycle
Agree with matty on this.... 1 thermogenic and good diet and work out plan would be a good place to start... that being said if you are already low in body fat... looking to get ripped... contest level. . All might be needed as there is a big difference in being lean and being contest ripped

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MattyIce date=1477330979 said:
yes, but I cant imagine taking clen AND ephedrine heart would explode. lol

If OP is wanting to cut BF, should use 1 correctly... and workout/cardio correctly.
MattyIce date=1477330979THIS!!!

If you want to use Clen with Ephedrine, then cycle the ephedrine in during the the off rotation. The "Old" Theory is the Ephedrine with Aspirin would clear the beta receptors, This has been debunked though. But, you can still reap some benefits from the stack. But, I just stick to Clen.
Awesome yeah I've only used ephedrine a few times and it makes me feel like an animal. My diet is in check I just seeing what's the best way to get some body fat % to drop quicker. I will definitely cycle it to. Maybe do some aspirin too just to make it the official ECA stack lol

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