MisterB's Fall 2016 bulk cycle and diet


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tomorrow marks 11 weeks off AAS, i'm waiting for the blood work I did Monday and then will expect to restart AAS after the 12 week point.

I have begun the new diet as of today

here is my new diet

Meal 1
4 eggs
3 oz beef
1 cup oats or 2 servings cream of wheat
1 banana

Meal 2
7oz chicken
1.5 cups rice
Small apple

Meal 3
7oz chicken
1 c quinoa
1/2 avocado

Meal 4
7oz beef
1 cup rice
Salad1 tbsp macadamia oil or flax

Meal 5
8oz fish
1 cup rice
1/2 avocado
6 asparagus

Meal 6
2 scoops whey
3/4 c oats
2 tbsp almond butter

planned AAS use

I'm going with an all Genesys cycle this time, been very impressed with his stuff so i'm all in for the 2017 nationals with Genesys products.

50 mg Tbol first 6-8 weeks @ 25 mg twice a day
Test C 250@ 600mg a week
Primo E 200 @ 600 mg a week
Eq 300 @ 600 mg a week

I may raise the primo and eq a bit but i first have to see if im getting enough calories to warrant it, so 600 is the safe starting point
kingofclowns said:
curious what the calorie count and macro breakdown is
kingofclownsIf you like MBs diet there's a few apps available you can plug all this in and if it can give you the calorie breakdown.
Then you can adjust to your own needs. Just a thought if it's something you think can be helpful.
MisterB don't mess around with diet and prep. Very very strict on his diet. Probably the most dicaplined men I've gotten to know.
did you do any pct for the 11 week period?
i don't have a break down of it but i put it into the myfitnesspal yesterday and its about 3700 calories
bossman said:
did you do any pct for the 11 week period?
bossmanno PCT, i used test U twice , 750 mg then again at 6 weeks another 750 blood shows levels were 390 at 6 weeks and 522 at 11 weeks
Started some AAS this week. on Monday I did 1 ML of test C 250 and 1 ml of NPP 200, coach surprised me with a change of plan, although i'm sure in a few weeks we will get to the primo/eq/test stack im expecting
also tonight did 25 mg of Tbol

so the plan for the next few weeks is

500 mg test a week
400 mg NPP a week
50 mg tbol a day for 5 weeks
this should go well with the high calorie diet, its a lot of food i expect to see a pound a week and with hard work some of that can be muscle
weight today 194.5

doing some shit that's a little crazy for me but only for 4 weeks, 50 mg tbol / 25 mg anadrol

feels awesome but i like my liver too much to push it

on test E 500 mg a week and NPP at 400 mg a week (Genesys!)
hit 200 lbs this week, started to add some cardio back body fats creeping up probable 14-15% right now, still feels good to relax but i want to make this offseason very productive

currently running all Genesys products and loving it, tomorrow will be 5 weeks on the tbol at 50 mg per day split into 2 doses ( endign the orals at 5 weeks)

keeping the doses low cause we have a lot of time and I wont come off till JUly

test C @ 500 a week
Npp @ 400 per week

soon i expect coach to move me to EQ / primo / Test
I love NPP, never tried it less than 600mg. I like Adrol, never tried it less than 100mg...usually 150mg. Test, npp, var, sdrol is my fav stack. What's your end goal here?

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