MisterBs guide to using IGF-lr3 and DES


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with the coming offseason i thought id put together a few docs people could use to cut through the bro science and just get the facts about some proteins we hear about but few have actually used.

IGF-1 is the magic behind HGH, and when used responsibly can accomplish some dyamatic changes

some basics, IGF is produced naturally in the liver, this is a by product of the HGH signaling we all produce. it flows throughout the body and finding cell sites that have active receptors it binds to them, it actually binds to two receptors the IGF and the Insulin receptor but tits not really necessary to understand this second part
IGF-1 then stimulates systemic body growth, and has growth-promoting effects on almost every cell in the body, especially skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, kidney, nerves, skin, hematopoietic cell, and lungs. In addition to the insulin-like effects, IGF-1 can also regulate cell growth and development, especially in nerve cells, as well as cellular DNA synthesis

two types of IGF

IGF-1 LR3 - IGF-1 LR3 has a half-life of about 20-30 hours and is much more potent than base IGF-1. Since its half-life is about a day, the IGF-1 LR3 will circulate the body, for around 24 hours, binding to receptors and activating cell communication that improves muscle growth and fat loss.

LR3 prevents glucose from entering into cells, which, in turn, forces the body to burn fat and not sucrose. In addition, its long half-life is desirable for another reason; site injections aren't necessary, as IGF-1 LR3 will cycle the body binding to all muscle cells for about a day.

IGF-1 DES - DES IGF-1 is the shorter version of the IGF-1 chain. It is five (5) times more powerful than IGF-LR3 and ten (10) times more powerful than regular base IGF-1. The half-life for DES is about 20-30 minutes, which means this is a very delicate chain. Therefore, administration should only be done at the site where you want to see muscle growth. DES has the ability to stimulate muscle hyperplasia better than LR3. In simple terms, it's best used for site injections, rather than overall growth.

In addition, DES is known to bind to receptors that have been deformed by lactic acid, which is often present during workouts. This allows the DES to attach itself to a mutated receptor and signal tissue growth during training. DES can be used longer and more frequently than LR3.

so the part you care about, how do I use it and where to get it

for people using HGH
IGF-lr3 is best kept for workout days, i recommend only using the IGF-lr3 as a post work out in the amounts of 50 to 100 mcgs.
Why only after working out ? well you want the cells to send up the receptors, like a flag saying I have damage come fix me, if you use it before working out the igf will circulate looking for a home and it will mostly find active receptors in the intestines not the muscles.
sure if you want to get lean fast it can help, just understand the risk to rewards ratio when using Lr3 pre workout or on non workout days

to cycle IGf when not on HGH
id use between 50 and 80 mcgs a day taken in the morning right before a higher carb meal, IGF is very much like insulin and can make you go hypo should you already have low blood sugar so be safe eat after the shot. do this for up to 40 days, they dsay thats the limmit before desensitization cicks in.

IGF-des - the half life of Des makes it necessary to bring this stuff right to the gym with you, i recommend you begin the workout and get a set or two in before disappearing into a changing room to use this stuff. why because again you want the receptors active plus you want to have the presence of lactic acid in the muscle, this also is attractive to the Des and it rapidly binds to repair this
you need to do site injections with Des, so if you want to grow the biceps you have and to inject right into the muscle target, bilaterally meaning each side independently - i use 40 mcgs per side for a total of 80, you may go lower higher staying in the 50 -150 range

so where to get the real stuff ?
well finding real stuff is tough, most peptide places will not have real media grade IGF, and probable will just be filler in a vial

sponsors on EG who have reliable and real IGF is Sciroxx , both the lr3 and des are made in the same place as the HGH and i've seen quality and purity reports and i'm sure many of you are on other boards so you know the data and feedback from other places

I personally have used the LR3 twice and the Des once, definitely recommend using this as it's hit and miss going someplace else, toms probable is real but the cost is more typically as he does not do BOGO sales

there is increlex available from a vendor but that's several thousands and you have to add the Acetic acid to it yourself to extend the shelf life

i will begin logging the product soon, doing 8-10 weeks of rest time but we might be using some IGF without AAS, will wait and hear what the coach wants to do . you can always read back in my national prep to see my previous usage

questions are welcome, and I will try to answer in layman terns as practical usage and understanding are the goal here

I will post up some testing results from another site
Sweet information. Well done. Great to know the difference between igf and igf des.
Thanks for the write up bro. I just received my lr3 today and will plan to use it within the next month.. I have been running slin the last 4 weeks alongside hgh.. I'm taking a break in the insulin and have gained a solid 10 lbs in the last month on slin/hgh.. alongside test/EQ..

Do you recommend running hgh/lr3/Insulin together or not with the slin? Reason I was going to wait is to start insulin again in 4-5 weeks for another 4 week run and call it quits for about a year. I have 2 kits of the lr3 and at 50mcg a day that will run me about 40 days. I can prob hit 75/day for 30 days. What dose would you recommend also and will that be long enough? Should I grab more? I'm obviously new to lr3 and wouldn't mind some good honest feed back from experiences user

Edit: my goal is permanent size (hyperplasia) of the muscles. So keep that in mind as to why I'm running what I'm running. If it matter my hgh is 5iu a day for the past 8 weeks so far.. I have more kits to last another 6 weeks and will buy more. Test/eq is 750/wk for the last 6 weeks. Have 6 more weeks planned for my blast then back down to 200/wk test only for 6 months

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blasson said:
Thanks for the write up bro. I just received my lr3 today and will plan to use it within the next month.. I have been running slin the last 4 weeks alongside hgh.. I'm taking a break in the insulin and have gained a solid 10 lbs in the last month on slin/hgh.. alongside test/EQ..

Do you recommend running hgh/lr3/Insulin together or not with the slin? Reason I was going to wait is to start insulin again in 4-5 weeks for another 4 week run and call it quits for about a year. I have 2 kits of the lr3 and at 50mcg a day that will run me about 40 days. I can prob hit 75/day for 30 days. What dose would you recommend also and will that be long enough? Should I grab more? I'm obviously new to lr3 and wouldn't mind some good honest feed back from experiences user

Edit: my goal is permanent size (hyperplasia) of the muscles. So keep that in mind as to why I'm running what I'm running. If it matter my hgh is 5iu a day for the past 8 weeks so far.. I have more kits to last another 6 weeks and will buy more. Test/eq is 750/wk for the last 6 weeks. Have 6 more weeks planned for my blast then back down to 200/wk test only for 6 months

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blassonI personally like to run igf and slin together but I'd never do it as a first time running either of the 2. I'd be very knowledgeable about the effects of each of them alone. Igf makes the slin more sensative. Therefore if I'm using 10 iu of Humalog. And added igf. I'd drop the slin dose a little bit. Everyone is different. I don't mess around with slin. I use it carefully. When used very carefully, you're not going to gain fat and or go hypo. But too be safe. Carry glucose tabs.
I will leave the topic of Insulin to those who are experience, but i can say definitively YES, you want to run the IGF-1 LR3 along with HGH, the reasons are they are symbiotic to the insulin sensitivity, im sure youve heard running HGH will make you a diabetic. assuming doses are high and use is prolonged your insulin , while IGF counters this effect and reducers the insulin sensitivity

here is some science

blasson said:
Thanks for the write up bro. I just received my lr3 today and will plan to use it within the next month.. I have been running slin the last 4 weeks alongside hgh.. I'm taking a break in the insulin and have gained a solid 10 lbs in the last month on slin/hgh.. alongside test/EQ..

Do you recommend running hgh/lr3/Insulin together or not with the slin? Reason I was going to wait is to start insulin again in 4-5 weeks for another 4 week run and call it quits for about a year. I have 2 kits of the lr3 and at 50mcg a day that will run me about 40 days. I can prob hit 75/day for 30 days. What dose would you recommend also and will that be long enough? Should I grab more? I'm obviously new to lr3 and wouldn't mind some good honest feed back from experiences user

Edit: my goal is permanent size (hyperplasia) of the muscles. So keep that in mind as to why I'm running what I'm running. If it matter my hgh is 5iu a day for the past 8 weeks so far.. I have more kits to last another 6 weeks and will buy more. Test/eq is 750/wk for the last 6 weeks. Have 6 more weeks planned for my blast then back down to 200/wk test only for 6 months

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blasson said:
Do you recommend running hgh/lr3/Insulin together or not with the slin? Tll
I agree with JV not the 1st time right away. You don't know how your blood sugar will react to the igf.

Certain compounds drop your sugar like superdrol for example.
Igf will make you more insulin sensitive.
misterB said:
I will leave the topic of Insulin to those who are experience, but i can say definitively YES, you want to run the IGF-1 LR3 along with HGH, the reasons are they are symbiotic to the insulin sensitivity, im sure youve heard running HGH will make you a diabetic. assuming doses are high and use is prolonged your insulin , while IGF counters this effect and reducers the insulin sensitivity

here is some science
IGF from what I understand can also make you go hypo fast if your carb intake is not timed with your pin. Post workout is the key, and from experience the key for HGH as well. Slin for me has always been better pre workout with a good dose of carbs always look and feel full it floods muscles.
No articles to back this up just what I have experienced and have been taught from some amazing guys.
Yea then I'll start the igf next week now that I'm getting off slin. You guys think 50mcg is enough for 40 days to see results or should I bump it to 75ed for 30 days?

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blasson said:
Yea then I'll start the igf next week now that I'm getting off slin. You guys think 50mcg is enough for 40 days to see results or should I bump it to 75ed for 30 days?

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well what your asking is exactly what we say not to do.. read the useage, IGF-lr3 should be saved for workout days ,and used right after working out
you're already on HGH so IGF-1 is elevated, dont go making the negative side affects more pronounced just for some extra fat burning

if you're determined to learn the hard way igf daily at 50 mcgs right before meal # 2 when you eat a higher carb amount is the way to do it.. but id suggest maximising the drug, ,sticking with what i've laid out and only experiencing the good stuff with it as a post work out when the muscle cells have active receptors
misterB said:
well what your asking is exactly what we say not to do.. read the useage, IGF-lr3 should be saved for workout days ,ans used right after working out
you're already on HGH so IGF-1 is elevated, dont go making the negative side affects more pronounced just for some extra fat burning
Yea that's what I was thinking in my head on workout days.. it just came out wrong, my apologies.

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each vial is 200 mcgs, device it by three if that's ther number of workouts a week and that's like 65 mcgs post workout, id still do bilateral injections into the muscle you want to target, just so it has to pass the muscle first to get to the blood stream
Thanks for the help misterb. Saved me some reading before I started. I wasn't going to go into it blind, I never do. Always appreciated !!

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received my IGF Lr3 and IGF Des from Sciroxx today, looks great pics coming tomorrow after kids are out
discussing an Interesting concept

using IGF-Des can you do bilateral injections right when you reach the gym, workout a muscle group and then say more than 30 min later as some receptors start to release re inject again at the end of a work out
Awesome write up MisterB I plan on running some GHRP2 and cjc no dac shortly to bridge while in off test, I wrote something up about this a couple weeks ago I'm pretty sure you have responded to it. I have Igf1 -LR3 but I'm going to save it for when I'm on cycle , would it matter if I took it without hgh as in not really trying to run HGH

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ironhead said:
Awesome write up MisterB I plan on running some GHRP2 and cjc no dac shortly to bridge while in off test, I wrote something up about this a couple weeks ago I'm pretty sure you have responded to it. I have Igf1 -LR3 but I'm going to save it for when I'm on cycle , would it matter if I took it without hgh as in not really trying to run HGH

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It's fine to use it without HGH, remember why do we use HGH ? to make the liver produce IGF. IGF is the master protein for all muscle growth

this is why i show various protocols with or without HGH involved, you can use it alone, 50 to 100 mcgs a day and see excellent results , some sooner than later as cell hyperplasia is not released until way down the road, say 6 months later as baby cells start to mature,
but the igf will immediately begin blocking glucose from entering the cells and force the body to burn more fat for energy

with this protocol you're best to do it 30-40 days (a point of desensitization) and then go off for a while. let those new cells form and mature

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