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From RxMUSCLE......I am still researching for studies done so there will be more information to come. What is interesting and worth noting is the way HMG promotes the production of LH and FSH and HCG only mimics it. I would rather have mine working full tilt.

s HCG a thing of the past? HMG vs. HCG
Published on Friday, 20 September 2013 14:47 Written by Mike Arnold for P.S.L.

CB1232578.gifFor decades BB’rs have been using HCG both on-cycle and off-cycle to prevent testicular atrophy, as well as help re-grow the testes prior to commencing PCT. HCG, known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, accomplishes this function by mimicking the actions of LH (leutinizing hormone) within the body, which is the hormone responsible for stimulating testosterone production. Aside from the obvious cosmetic benefits associated with testicular maintenance, retaining function of the testes helps set the stage for a more rapid post-cycle recovery by retaining the organ’s ability to respond optimally to circulating LH.

While restoring testosterone production is an important step towards restoration of the HPTA, it is in only one aspect of total recovery. In addition to testosterone, the testes are also responsible for the production of sperm. In the same way that AAS suppress LH release, they also suppress FSH; the hormone necessary for sperm production. The bad news is that HCG doesn’t do anything for sperm count or motility. Its only function is to increase testosterone levels. Because of this, many BB’rs suffer from fertility issues.

Enter HMG (human menopausal gonadotropin). Unlike HCG, HMG has the distinct ability to normalize/maintain both testosterone and spermGonadotropin_releasing_hormone3d.webp production simultaneously. More so, HMG does not rely on mimetics in order to achieve the desired result. Rather, it promotes production through natural means. HMG is a combination of 2 pituitary hormones known as LH and FSH. LH, which was mentioned above, is the hormone which simulates testosterone production, while FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is the primary hormone responsible for the manufacture of sperm. Both hormones must be present in order to retain full functioning of the testicles.

Looking at this information, it is hard to argue HMG’s superiority to HCG as a recovery/maintenance agent. After all, HCG only provides a partial recovery and it does so through un-natural means. HMG can be employed with good effect at anytime, but like HCG, it should be discontinued prior to starting PCT (Clomid,Nolvadex, etc), as the continued presence of exogenous LH & FSH will have a negative impact on the endogenous production of these hormones.

While this drug is still new, its popularity is rapidly increasing and I am confident that within the next few years, it will replace HCG as the recovery/maintenance product of choice. In conclusion, if you are looking for a more comprehensive recovery than what HCG can provide, you might want to consider trying HMG your next time around. For those specifically interested infertility, it is a no-brainer.

I have a 75IU bottle of HMG that I haven’t reconstituted yet. I’ve still been using HCG. Reason is I’ve searched and searched but there’s not much info out there on dosage and timing. Anyone run this and know a good protocol?
HMG is straight FSH in the bottle. Been off from like 6 months and have done a intensive PCT but couldn't get my lady pregnant. Have done multiple blood work with Sperm analogy tests.
My LH and FSH both tanked down on HCG, Clomid, Nolva, Test Boosters, Cialis and some Ayurveda medicines.
The Sperm count got high in numbers until I was on HCG and as soon as I drop the HCG the no's went down. But the motility was always low until I get my hands on HMG
Their was a moment my Sperm count was 8 ngl/dl and that's the lowest I have ever seen on HCG. Felt miserable all the time.
HMG is a game changer. I got my lady pregnant in two weeks in HCG, HMG and other stuff. I got to know in third week and get my bloods and Sperm count rechecked. It got 8ngl/dl to 68ngl/dl Sperm and the motility was great.

I'm happy to say that shit does work. I'm a father of a healthy child and that have saved me a shit ton of money on IVF and all kind of other BS.

This is my tried and tested protocol for the recovery and baby making formula

2500iu HCG EOD
75iu HMG EOD on alternate days
50mg Clomid ED
20mg Nolva ED
10mg Cialis
2x dose of Test booster

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