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I have posted my thoughts on A and E and how much I am enjoying my run with E. That being said I can't deny the difference between the two in terms of body composition. I think the main problem with Tren A was the highs and lows I would go through. I got these to subside for the most part by ED pinning at night. Now here is my question ,

We have all seen Tren Hex a mix of different esters. What have been people's experience with running Tren A while running Tren E for those who have found E easier to take? My thoughts are if I introduced a small amount of Tren A in the end of my cycle, say 150mgs along with the Tren E and pin every oed, the levels of Tren A dropping off would not be as noticible and I would still get the benifits of A.

Or would one still suffer the highs and lows of the A leaving the system? Just some questions for people who have done it.

Thanks guys
lol brother I play around with numbers and try to incorporate every open vial I have of anything in my cycle to get rid of it Was running sust/deca. Switched to sust/tren e. I have an open npp so I incorporated that, I have eq that will get snuck in next the cycle will probably end phasing off the tren e and adding in 600 mg eq in weeks to come. I always play around with different compounds
so I ran out of test and joker is backed up but I have a meet in december so i said fuck it and have beeb running 175mg of tren A eod along with 50mg of var a day and 50mg of proviron everyday. I have had absolutely zero sides! its amazing
you will not see swings as much since youre well established in the tren e, its stable . adding the A at the end will just make you crazy aggressive or if its been a long run you might not feel anything. i did it the other way went ffrom a to e after 12 weeks and uses more A to bridge the build up of E
LittleTom said:
I have posted my thoughts on A and E and how much I am enjoying my run with E. That being said I can't deny the difference between the two in terms of body composition. I think the main problem with Tren A was the highs and lows I would go through. I got these to subside for the most part by ED pinning at night. Now here is my question ,

We have all seen Tren Hex a mix of different esters. What have been people's experience with running Tren A while running Tren E for those who have found E easier to take? My thoughts are if I introduced a small amount of Tren A in the end of my cycle, say 150mgs along with the Tren E and pin every oed, the levels of Tren A dropping off would not be as noticible and I would still get the benifits of A.

Or would one still suffer the highs and lows of the A leaving the system? Just some questions for people who have done it.

Thanks guys
on paper you could be right, although in the end you have to see how your body reacts. some have horrid ups and downs with tren and some none at all. some get great results 50ed and some need 150ed to see some serious changes

with tren ace i would always reccomend injecting before sleep and every day, not EOD. what can also help is to not run test high but lower it, with many this reduces tren issues in a big way
morrey said:
none at all!
keep tren ace ED, go for 50ED and build up from there. have some caber at hand if prolactin gets too high, keep doind cardio for health and stamina. masteron and tren are a great combo also
lith56bigguy said:
lol brother I play around with numbers and try to incorporate every open vial I have of anything in my cycle to get rid of it Was running sust/deca. Switched to sust/tren e. I have an open npp so I incorporated that, I have eq that will get snuck in next the cycle will probably end phasing off the tren e and adding in 600 mg eq in weeks to come. I always play around with different compounds
Lol glad I'm not the only one!! Next week kitchen sink hahaha
Theres a guy on SF that does 1 gram of Tren A with 200mg of Test weekly. He looks crazy good.
I found I get extremely lethargic with higher tren and low test. My energy levels increase when I run them closer to same mg but yes I have to increase adex. Never have to run caber/prami though by keeping estrogen in check

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