Most TNE you've used?

the prototype

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Just curious what is the most TNE you've used at one time? I've done 150 mg (50 mg/ml and 3 ml syringe) but didn't notice much difference from 100 mg. I'm the type of person that likes to push the limits just to see the effects and was wondering if 200 or 250 mg pre-workout is a bad idea or not? I've used Test in cycles upwards of nearly 2 grams in the past with minimal to no sides so I'm not so concerned with the side effects. Just wondering if it would make a difference bumping the dose to 200+ mg of TNE. I miss the feeling of using 500 mg/week of Test E and during Week 2-3, getting that feeling of like I'm superman with my muscles feeling like their ripping thru my skin. I get a small pick me up with 100 mg of TNE and it helps with focus and stamina but I thought I'd get that feeling like I mentioned above. I'm just started cruising but plan to continue to use TNE so maybe I'll feel the effects of TNE more on a cruise dose than a gram of Test like I was running. Any feedback, advice, etc. is appreciated.
Brother TP! Just these past 2 weeks I have increased my DIGITAL PHARMA TNE up to 200mg. You can
definently tell a difference. I have been meaning to post up about but I have been hella busy these
past few weeks. I will update everyone about my experience. You can't go wrong! Get ready to blast
off and have one of the most HIGH INTENSE workouts you have ever had mane! ;D Bump it to 200mg
so you can see what I am talking about. Update you experience when you do brother!
Pretty sure your no longer cruising if your blasting 1 gram of tne a wk- 😉
Wacker said:
Pretty sure your no longer cruising if your blasting 1 gram of tne a wk- 😉
Sorry brother. I must've wrote that wrong. I meant I was blasting a gram of Test, either E, C or Prop, not TNE. I don't count TNE as part of my weekly Test dose. I was just wondering if someone feels the effects less if they use a high Test dose than someone on a lower Test dose. For example, would 100 mg of TNE be felt more for a person on their first cycle of Test at 500 mg/week vs say a person who uses a gram or more a week of Test and has been using for years?
Brother TP! Just these past 2 weeks I have increased my DIGITAL PHARMA TNE up to 200mg. You can
definently tell a difference. I have been meaning to post up about but I have been hella busy these
past few weeks. I will update everyone about my experience. You can't go wrong! Get ready to blast
off and have one of the most HIGH INTENSE workouts you have ever had mane! ;D Bump it to 200mg
so you can see what I am talking about. Update you experience when you do brother!
Thanks BB. You always have great insight! I'll try 200 mg next time. I guess I'll have to do it in 2 separate pins since all I can do in 1 pin is 150 mg.
I've used 200mg of TNE pwo on a leg day. And definately felt the difference
the prototype said:
Thanks BB. You always have great insight! I'll try 200 mg next time. I guess I'll have to do it in 2 separate pins since all I can do in 1 pin is 150 mg.
the prototype
No problem brother! Thanks you for the post mane! Don't forget to update us on your experience. ;D
TP ditch that weak ass TNE and get some 100mg shit like mine lol!! Shot 2ml like me and BB and you be sky high on T bro..
I've ran 200mg in 1 shot pre workout for a small span and didn't notice much difference from 100mg but def can notice when I don't take it at all 😛

I like TNE for ending my preps too, I normally run test suspension and or TNE for the last 2-3 days before a show pinning 1/2 ml every 4 or so hours to insure no water retention what so ever.
Pinned 150 mg this morning at 3:30. In the gym around 4:15 for leg day.

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