Muscle Tear Squatting


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I think I may have a tear. But there is nothing noticeably out of place.
(Hopefully just a micro-tear. I've had several in smaller muscles over the years, and they healed with no lasting effects.)

Doing squats 3 nights ago, 405lb on the 4th rep, KaPOW!!!

The 1st and 2nd reps were VERY easy, on the 3rd I felt a slight pinch, but on the 4th...
It felt like someone hit me in the leg with a baseball bat!!!

At first I thought it was in my IT band, but now it feels like it is my upper thigh.

Not really sure to what extent. It was VERY painful the 1st night, the 2nd night I slept better with quite a bit less pain.
And last night, even less pain still. I was able to get by with only 1 aspirin this whole time, I hate taking pain med!!!

I can bend my leg now while I sit or sleep. And my walking is about 50% normal. I still have to walk stiff legged, can't bend the knee and put weight on the muscle.

Any ideas?
Has anyone had a similiar injury?
Were you able to eventually get back to squatting heavy weights? :-\

I was very worried the 1st and 2nd days, but today things are looking up, Thank The Lord!!!
Lots of prayers, and ice, and heat, and chinese linament.

8) 8) 8)
i tore my pec and it sucks... depending on how bad the tear is....mine has ruined my chest movements..

and i'm always scared of reinjury!!!... hopefully yours will not be as severe as mine...

torn muscle is tough to repair surgically so most docs won't even try... but there are some that do... layne norton had his pec muscle repaired.. but a leg muscle may be much harder? as you can put the arm in a sling for the pec tear to heal.

good luck friend ... i hope it is minor
krustus said:
i tore my pec and it sucks... depending on how bad the tear is....mine has ruined my chest movements..

and i'm always scared of reinjury!!!... hopefully yours will not be as severe as mine...

torn muscle is tough to repair surgically so most docs won't even try... but there are some that do... layne norton had his pec muscle repaired.. but a leg muscle may be much harder? as you can put the arm in a sling for the pec tear to heal.

good luck friend ... i hope it is minor
Thanks Bro!!!

How bad was your pec tear?
I remember when you did it, but I don't remember if it tore away or if you had surgery.
Did it disconnect from the bone?

Also, I tore both of my hip flexors, and one of them twice, and it was on three different occasions.
But it was just a micro tear each time.
It hurt really bad for a while, but went away leaving a pretty big lump, especially on the one that was torn twice.

So, I'm praying it is just a micro tear like that.

The positive is that the pain it close to being gone, except for when I try to put weight on it, or bend it too quickly or too much.
My tendon is still attached...muscle torn away from it...

I train around it ..and have worked out on bench sets of 10 at least 80 pounds less than what I was doing before. .
If it's a tear. . Would using it and walking on it prolong the healing process and heal fucked up? More scar tissue, etc. Maybe get some ace bandage wraps and crutches for a week or 2. Let that heal properly.
I have a lot of experience with messing up my legs and back from squats. From all these injuries I now use a foam roller and before every leg workout I roll out the IT bands in my legs and front and rear legs working up the back. If interested look up rolling out your IT bands in your legs.
Also if you do believe it's a minor muscle tear look into BPC-157 it's a miracle in a bottle when it comes to muscle repair.
Forget training heavy for at least 2-3 months.
When do you get back to leg training proper warmups will be key.
I recently had a very small lat tear.I felt it pop and just give out . Next day mobility was fine but I could not pull down on anything. Three days later I got some small bruising in the area. I was on cycle when this happened. I took a week off then I stayed away from any motion that incorporated the lat as a primary move for about 2 months and was very cautious to not stress the muscle. If I felt it at all I stopped what I was doing immediately. Its been about 3 months now and its about 95 % cool. I just trained around it but mine was very minor. I have some picks up in my old cut log.
I had a similar thing happen to me also on squats, I'm still nursing it but since you mentioned upper thigh if sounds similar to mine. It's more or less super tight hip flexors and related compensations. Pigeon and elevated pigeon stretches help, along with anything that opens the hips. I'd do some abductor band work, sumo stance squats pushing the knees out, and hip openers with a thick band. Go into a reverse lunge (once you can handle these movements pain wise) and hold it for like 30s.

I've also started doing a lot of single leg work because I think weak/tight/misfiring glutes were the fundamental issue that spiraled and extended to hips, etc. Bulgarian split squats, SLRDLs, assisted pistol squats, SL glute bridges, etc. Also hip openers with a slider in plank position. It's been months still rehabbing but its worth all the work.
MaidenOfIron said:
I had a similar thing happen to me also on squats, I'm still nursing it but since you mentioned upper thigh if sounds similar to mine. It's more or less super tight hip flexors and related compensations. Pigeon and elevated pigeon stretches help, along with anything that opens the hips. I'd do some abductor band work, sumo stance squats pushing the knees out, and hip openers with a thick band. Go into a reverse lunge (once you can handle these movements pain wise) and hold it for like 30s.

I've also started doing a lot of single leg work because I think weak/tight/misfiring glutes were the fundamental issue that spiraled and extended to hips, etc. Bulgarian split squats, SLRDLs, assisted pistol squats, SL glute bridges, etc. Also hip openers with a slider in plank position. It's been months still rehabbing but its worth all the work.
Thank you too Sis!!! 😉
If you had a muscle tear, there will be significant bruising (at least for the sensation you explained), if there is no bruising, you did not tear it. Relax for a few days, let it heal and you should be fine. I just tore my Lower Abdominal muscle from the Pelvic bone last month and the bruising and pain was intense to say the least. Spent the day in the hospital, and ruined my weekend. Still getting over it, and almost there. So, I would be confident In saying you should be G2G soon.
jshredz said:
Also if you do believe it's a minor muscle tear look into BPC-157 it's a miracle in a bottle when it comes to muscle repair.
Forget training heavy for at least 2-3 months.
When do you get back to leg training proper warmups will be key.
jshredzHey bro can u elaborate more on bpc-157? I have a small tear in my pec that won't go away. I'm getting r day to run it myself here in a few days but would like to get others personal experience on it. Have u tried it yourself?
monster-ish said:
Hey bro can u elaborate more on bpc-157? I have a small tear in my pec that won't go away. I'm getting r day to run it myself here in a few days but would like to get others personal experience on it. Have u tried it yourself?
monster-ishReplied on your other post. Yes i have used before and it works.
Plan to pick up another bottle or 2 very soon. Like to always keep it handy.
Sorry to hear about the injury. Sounds like you got some solid advise above. I tore my distal bicep tendon (90%) a couple years ago and it still gives me trouble on pulling movements. I am back to about 85% and can not perform a pullup to save my life now. Just have to work about my issues and train what I can. I did not have surgery for mine and opted to let the scare tissue back fill the torn part which I now think was a mistake. Are you by chance on tren? That shit causes more injuries than any other PED I can think of but I sure love it!!

Sorry that I have hardly been on our wonderful board since the injury(ies).

Of course, I had a micro-tear in the upper quad and was really bummed out about that.

But about a 1-1.5 weeks later, I was doing deadlifts, and was doing them with little leg bend, to try and protect my quad.
Well, on my 6 rep with 405lb, which was easy btw, some how I tweaked my back a the top of the movement.
And it grew worse and worse over the next week, because I didn't give it any rest.

Until I really couldn't do anything. The chiropractor finally got me back on the road to recovery, but I could do hardly anything for 2 months.

I've been really bummed about everything, so I haven't been on our board.

But now I'm feeling good, and am back up to 385x3 on squats last week(was 405x7).
Just a little pain in my IT band.
Also, my deadlift is back to 500x1(was 500x5).

8) 8) 8)
you may have to back off and let it heal... i had to do all one legged squats, pistols, etc... no weights in my hands or on my shoulders for almost a year once.. to let my back heal..

it aches from time to time now...but i had to allow it time to recover
Zombie you do that heavy deads sriff legged? Thats very risky i always bend the knees and pull with hamstrings and glutes but glad you are recovering
I don't usually do stiff-legged.

But, this particular workout I was trying to protect my quad injury.
It wasn't totally stiff-legged, my knees were slightly bent, but I wasn't using proper form for heavy lifting.

So, I strained my lower back.
But the odd thing is that it was at the top of the movement, not the bottom. Go figure :-\

I should have just waited longer, but that has always been a problem with injuries for me.
I have an injury but try to keep going, until, WHAMMO!!! and it's much worse.

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