- EG Cash
- 120,664
Attention ,brothers and sisters, senate has passed C.I.S.P.A. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. I'm sure you're asking what is this?. what does this mean? This means while every 1 is concentrated on the"Boston bombing" government has very quietly passed this law. Basically stating the censorship of internet .example.google,Facebook, twitter, Yahoo.etc not only are they providing you with email but now they are directly working with C.I.A.AND F.B.I.. to obtain and share your personal information this is not only for big websites.this is for private ones as well please read the law..also look up on YouTube..(not sure how to link it sorry) they can filter certain subjects so they cab watch traffic n pin point location URL etc..safety is key.. please encrypt emails erase Yahoo gmail accounts spend the Money on secured emails it will keep ur asses out of JAIL ."JUST ANOTHER ACTION TOWARDS THE NEW WORLD ORDER" thank you for reading