my cycle review and need help


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
25 years old
195 lbs
15 bf
Goal 9% bf then lean bulk

Test cyp 750 a week
Teen ace 150, Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat
T3 30mcg

Getting a vial of helios from red rihno can someone help me with a cycle of that

Now I went from 25 bf to 15 bf so far.

but does anyone have experience with helios I heard it was great for fat loss and I was thinking of dnp at 125 mgs 1 week on one week off or is that to light I've never done Done yet
Just stick to EOD pinning on the Tren. If 600mg is to much, then on the weeks that have 4pins, lower the dose. Your body doesn't have any clue about weeks, it only knows days. As far as the DNP, i125 might be to lite, but go ahead and start there to assess your tolerance. Don't cycle it in and out...just run it for 10 days and then stop it. Take note of where you're at and what progression you've made. Then the next go around, you'll have at least an educated guess as to how you respond to it.
pin the tren everyday for less sides. Like T said 125mgs for DNP is too low of a dose
going to need AI , im in the camp you have to keep E2 low with tren to get the magic and you're running a good dose of test, id do ED on tren but no less than eod since its Ace
I'm just gonna get tren e next time I'm sick of eod pinning lol
im going to back fill slin pins , makes .5 ml a day easy, you can jab it anywhere
Bad choice brother. Just bein' real here, don't expect to have any w/o's worth a crap while on DNP. You should cycle DNP alone (but with Test) and for 2 weeks at 250mg's/day. You can go higher after assessing tolerance but 250 is a good place to be. You can run for a month if you want. Winter is the best time to run DNP, so you're good there. Get your diet in check, I think somewhere I posted a thread on a DNP cycle but it might be lost.

DNP is anathema to any worthwhile energy levels my friend, it will shred you though. Don't expect to see all the weight come off until you're actually finished, like up to 4 days after. Crystal DNP is amazing.
Hanzo said:
Bad choice brother. Just bein' real here, don't expect to have any w/o's worth a crap while on DNP. You should cycle DNP alone (but with Test) and for 2 weeks at 250mg's/day. You can go higher after assessing tolerance but 250 is a good place to be. You can run for a month if you want. Winter is the best time to run DNP, so you're good there. Get your diet in check, I think somewhere I posted a thread on a DNP cycle but it might be lost.

DNP is anathema to any worthwhile energy levels my friend, it will shred you though. Don't expect to see all the weight come off until you're actually finished, like up to 4 days after. Crystal DNP is amazing.

I dont totally agree. I dragged ass all day but I was able to still muster up enough energy to have productive workouts and I went as high as 750mgs (but just for a few days)
two different beasts.... I like to pin tren ED but i only do it for 4-6 weeks and thats it,, Some people like to pin it EOD but it all depends On the person how your body responds to it I do not like ten E.... coming off that shit is worse than getting my dick slammed in the door I would rather run a deca only cycle...

I don't know shit about DNP never ran it

There is always a method to the madness that makes sense you just need to find out what works best for your body.... 100mg may be to much every day for you maybe 75 is your sweet spot.
morrey said:
I dont totally agree. I dragged ass all day but I was able to still muster up enough energy to have productive workouts and I went as high as 750mgs (but just for a few days)
Well then you're a superhero morrey, what can I say. I've only ran DNP a handful of times. Oh, that's right, probably more and longer than anyone else here.
Thanks man! Wow I never thought I would get a compliment like that from you 🙂
I also pin tren 3x a week, have also pinned ED, but 3x gives me very little sides. I agree with Hanzo that DNP should be run over 200mgs a day. Are you running T3 at 30 Mcg a day? If I'm not mistaken you body produces slightly less than that ED, so if you don't increase it, you're just shutting down your natty production for nothing. I've done well at 150mcg a day. Increase slowly until tolerance level is reached.
Patriot1405 said:
I also pin tren 3x a week, have also pinned ED, but 3x gives me very little sides. I agree with Hanzo that DNP should be run over 200mgs a day. Are you running T3 at 30 Mcg a day? If I'm not mistaken you body produces slightly less than that ED, so if you don't increase it, you're just shutting down your natty production for nothing. I've done well at 150mcg a day. Increase slowly until tolerance level is reached.
True, true. T3 @ 30mcg is a low dose. You can go to 50mcg for long term if you want, without having to worry about the Pituitary/adrenal axis, or pituitary shutdown.
don't listen to hanse FOR sure and pat is a good dude.. He says he runs all this gear he just imagines his sweet tarts as roids LOLOLOL

I would listen to them two for sure on the DNP and T3.... I have watched these dudes post for a LONG MIN on these two subjects and if there was anyone I would go to about it it would be them less so hanzo because he can't speak like a normal human being has has to use words that are so complicated by the time your done looking up the first word in your thesaurus he is done speaking unless he is on his soap box hahahahahahahahahaha

Just fucking with you ........
don't listen to hanse FOR sure and pat is a good dude.. He says he runs all this gear he just imagines his sweet tarts as roids LOLOLOL

I would listen to them two for sure on the DNP and T3.... I have watched these dudes post for a LONG MIN on these two subjects and if there was anyone I would go to about it it would be them less so hanzo because he can't speak like a normal human being has has to use words that are so complicated by the time your done looking up the first word in your thesaurus he is done speaking unless he is on his soap box hahahahahahahahahaha

Just fucking with you ........
HAH HAH!! That's funny shit, crossy. I still like your old name from a few years back.

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