My intro story with pics!



This place looks great! thanks to my boy digital for the ref. Ive been around the boards since 2006, was a mod and vet at a few smaller boards, a board called anabolic warrior was my home town of the internet! ahah. Since Raw deal I kept it more low key, been looking for a place like this forever. I'm just now getting over a serious long term bout with Lyme disease, just got out of the hospital for a few weeks on a constant drip of anti-inflamatory drugs and anti-biotics as I had severe nervous system complications. When i contracted Lyme I was 235 10% BF and would cut to 220 for powerlifting meets. I feel in love with powerlifting about a year and a half ago, I love to be functionally strong and include a lot of strong man and enurance stuff almost as an athlete would train. I felt like a machine and I loved it. My core is Brandon Lily's program, I even paid for the ebook just to toss the guy some funds for his efforts (despite the prevalent typos and grammatical errors lol), its called "The Cube Method". Like all real programs I altered it slightly to suit my needs and began competing, my first meet this summer I got 515/360/505, it felt better than any drug or anything else (outside the obvious of sex). As I sit now, out of the hospital a few days, I'm 190 and have a small belly. It's so disheartening I cant put it into words. But I know there is only one way back, getting under the bar again as hard as ever, as I was in the gym with lyme but it was barely working. Im going to put up a picture of myself where I want to be in 2 months and as I normally do 9 months on followed by a year off with anabolics (I've found its what works best for me, we all have our own ways. I have always recovered) I dropped to hrt (even no test the past two weeks) but I'm hopping on prop and anadrol, and I think in 2 months gaining 30lbs is realistic because it was due to illness. I know it will be hard but thats what Im here for. Hopefully someone can follow my log and maybe get inspired a little bit coming back from an illness. Hold me to this guys and gals. I look forward to contributing as much as I can. ( the pic is me at 220 after switching from BB to powerlifting style training so be gentle haha)

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Welcome aboard! Looks like you've put some work in.
BLR, Welcome to EG the best forum on the net. Digi brought me here also when BOP tanked. I am also a PLer. Most of the guys here are BBrs so we have to stick together. You look good in the pic. My pic is in the general discusion area then go to pic posts, its on the second page, if you want to see it. Again welcome, glad your here.

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