My latest blood work


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been on dyel test d... dropped to around 75mg a week for my trt... test results have total T at 403 .. which is ok with the low dose i'm on... but i'm gonna go back to 100mg or even 125mg to hopefully get in the 800 range.

my greatest concern is my free test is very low....3.9pg/ml.... range is 6.8-21.5... certainly would like to be closer to that 231.5... any ideas... masteron?... proviron?.. as additions to my trt?

also my iron (transferrin numbers) are all off... should i supplement with iron?... and if so how much?


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Dyel def has high quality products bro that’s good t levels for what you’re dosing it at.
Also not tryin to hijack your thread but you may be able to answer a question for me. My dads gonna be 60 this year and I’m thinking it may be good to get on some trt. But he’s very overweight also. Didn’t know if I should get him on test d and start him with maybe one 250 mg shot every two weeks or what. What you recommend doing?
i do once a week shots with test d... i would think 100mg is a good starting point for most... to try get a decent number without estrogen build up... but blood work would be needed to get it dialed in perfect...
my greatest concern is my free test is very low....3.9pg/ml.... range is 6.8-21.5... certainly would like to be closer to that 231.5... any ideas... masteron?... proviron?.. as additions to my trt?

also my iron (transferrin numbers) are all off... should i supplement with iron?... and if so how much?

anyone got any suggestions for these issues?
been on dyel test d... dropped to around 75mg a week for my trt... test results have total T at 403 .. which is ok with the low dose i'm on... but i'm gonna go back to 100mg or even 125mg to hopefully get in the 800 range.

my greatest concern is my free test is very low....3.9pg/ml.... range is 6.8-21.5... certainly would like to be closer to that 231.5... any ideas... masteron?... proviron?.. as additions to my trt?

also my iron (transferrin numbers) are all off... should i supplement with iron?... and if so how much?
krustusThat could be a factor of your IF protocol. Do you eat any red meat? If not, you might want to supplement. 25mg a day should be more then enough. Do you take Prilosec? That would affect your iron
That could be a factor of your IF protocol. Do you eat any red meat? If not, you might want to supplement. 25mg a day should be more then enough. Do you take Prilosec? That would affect your iron

i eat red meat... but not a lot i guess... a few times a week. and no prilosec.. i guess i will supplement iron...

you got any ideas on how to raise the free test?... or you think if i get my total test up it will be fine?
I’d throw 25-50mg a day of Proviron in there.
I’d throw 25-50mg a day of Proviron in there.

i might try that ... but as of right now... i only have masteron... masteron enanthate.. it would work very similar right? and probably a better bang for the buck?
mast will do exactly what your wanting to do. If you have it no sense in spending money on proviron
Men rarely have low iron according to my Doctor. I have low iron and according to him it's usually a sign of colon cancer. I've been checked and I'm good but that's my experience.
according to him it's usually a sign of colon cancer.

oh fuck!!!... but i have been checked about 2 years ago.. and was fine... might need another check ...
blood numbers look pretty good ... just the iron issues


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so i have been taking 2 baby aspirin daily... and lots of lifting... and have had red blood in my stools for a while.. i'm convinced that this is my iron issue..

Christian Thibaudeau from tnation had a similar issue that ended catastrophic.. so maybe i'm ahead of the game by catching this now

After spending a summer doing a lot of CrossFit training with my wife, I fell in love again with Olympic lifting and decided to train for a comeback. I would do a form of squat, snatch and clean & jerk every day, often twice a day. That’s when I started to have severe bloody stools. I also started to lose weight.

In fact (and this is no joke) I was eating twelve hamburgers on average and a full box of cereal every single day (and that was just my “base”). Despite eating roughly 5000 calories a day I was losing weight at a fairly fast rate. The bloody stools lasted for three months, until one day I started to have chest pain when I trained. Then the chest pain lasted throughout the day. I got admitted to the hospital for a heart attack.

The cause of the heart attack wasn’t the heart itself or anything I did, but the fact that I lost so much blood over a three month period that I didn’t have enough red blood cells to send oxygen to the heart. My red blood cell count was 25% of the normal level.
Shit krustus you better get that checked out ASAP. Blood in your stools is something that should not be ignored.
Shit krustus you better get that checked out ASAP. Blood in your stools is something that should not be ignored.

i've been check a couple of years back... doc said bleeding hemorrhoids ... all blood was bright red .. which he says is a good sign that it wasn't something serious... i'm due to be checked again soon though ... but it has stopped since i dropped the aspirin
More thank Likley nothing serious black tarry stools is when you should really worry. Still nothing to blow off worth a visit to the doctor.

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