my mood is not good today


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i think i'm being slow-play ghosted by this woman i've been talking to off/on for almost a year, and I have no idea why. I just got my 2nd vaccine shot and thought we were about to start dating too. It's getting very frustrating as this or something similar keeps happening to me every time I think I'm gonna start seeing someone. 🙁
oh well, i'll take it out on the iron again but this shit is getting old
Don’t sweat it bro she just wasn’t the right one. Life takes us down roads we think turned out to be dead ends but it’s just a fork on your path..if you don’t mind me asking why did it matter if you got your vaccine or not?
Yea man, what @Eman said. We’ve all been there. Shit I’ve been there more than once LOL, but who cares, don’t put too much mind to it. Plenty of chicks out there bro!!!
And is the reason you got your 2nd Covid shot because she was talking like she was afraid to catch it ???
no, i just figured getting the 2nd shot would be a good time to start socializing again. We've talked about getting together before but she kept getting exposed to covid--she's a teacher. Just being cautious about the virus, i guess, maybe too cautious? I wasn't worried about getting it myself, just didnt' want to spread it.
no, i just figured getting the 2nd shot would be a good time to start socializing again. We've talked about getting together before but she kept getting exposed to covid--she's a teacher. Just being cautious about the virus, i guess, maybe too cautious? I wasn't worried about getting it myself, just didnt' want to spread it.
R2D2I remember I was talking to this chick who was all into getting together, she wanted to see me, was filling my head up with so much shit, but every time we were to get together, it was always something, she always had a story to tell. And mind you, I fucked her plenty back in the day, just this time around she looked better LOL.
Well I got wise to the bullshit and just left it alone, haven’t heard from her since. You win some you lose some. It’s all good.
Don’t put too much thought into chicks, they come and they go.
Damn , I’ve lost some good ones , FUCK !!!
Either way brother like @Torres said don’t put much thought into it. If it was ment to be she’ll come back around if not you’ve got greater things ahead of you. Stay positive bro.
Had this happen myself. Last year was seeing this chick for over a year. Like third time we dated, we did everything together parents house, dinners, family weddings, fucked etc etc. She's done this to me before just goes distant basically ghosting, second time it happened this time around as it's always another guy. I said something, not even bad just stood up for myself. Havent heard from her since. Really liked her, we got along great BUT if she's willing to do that I'm better off without, as are you bro.
the flip side to this story is i've just started talking, but only via email, to this really cute chick who is in one of my Sanghas (Buddhist meditation groups---via Zoom currently). Not sure if we will end up just being friends or something more, but she seems like a really nice person.
Thanks for the support, bros 🙂
I’m sorry bro thats a terrible feeling. We’ve all been there. I can tell you this..... any woman who makes you feel confused or isn’t willing to invest time and energy into the relationship IS NOT worth a speck of your time. That’s a red flag pal and you need to move on. You are worth more than that.
I feel like with this dating apps it makes it too easy for people to drop somebody like a hot potato. I might just give up on them altogether.
I feel like with this dating apps it makes it too easy for people to drop somebody like a hot potato. I might just give up on them altogether.
R2D2they hit and miss bro, i've used them
I’m not trying to sound rough, but look at yourself, are you scaring these girls away, with the gear lifestyle?? I’ve been here, and most girls aren’t cool with it, that’s why I changed and was up front from the first date, and I’ll say this, I stopped wasting my time and there’s.
no, it's not that. it doesn't even get to the point where they know about it.
no, it's not that. it doesn't even get to the point where they know about it.
R2D2Hell bro most on there and RL when Im in shape want me, once they find out I'm a gimp GONE.

Just keep tying, contact more locally and online. You'll find someone
idk, i'll figure it out one of these days i suppose lol
idk, i'll figure it out one of these days i suppose lol
R2D2Your probably better off without one bro. Everytime I leave one I swear I’ll never get another then when I find another a couple months in when they show there true colors I’m kicking my self for not listening to myself!
she's texting me now
yea, they all seem so nice at first lol, then you find out the truth

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