my tbol, npp, masteron experience so far


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
me and lith are both running a similar cycle.. i'm only running 150mg a week of test (trt dose) along with 300npp and 900 mast e, and 60 a day of tbol.

the results so far (6weeks) have been amazing. this is my heaviest cycle ever and it's really changing my physique. i'll hopefully have some pics soon.

how long can i keep running this tbol ?... i'm loving this run and don't want to change it, but dont want to push it with my health either?
People always say 4wks for orals but I have ran orals much longer it really is going to depend on what kind of liver support your taking, how much water your drinking etc... Above all really should just pay attention to what your body is telling you. What are the results your wanting from this cycle, bulk or cut?
I am going 45 days on tbol. How much you using? Glad your loving the npp and mast
Most run tbol 6-8 weeks 4 weeks tbol would piss me off. Thats when its getting good!
i'm going for a lean bulk (getting stronger every workout almost)... but on this cycle i swear i'm losing fat too.

i rechecked my starting date and been on almost 5 weeks... i gonna push the tbol to a least 6-8 like jdb suggested... and jdb the nnpp, mast is grade A
Just out of curiosity.... whats the reasoning behind having the Mast so much higher then everything else?
mast has some trans formative properties at high doses... (to me.. i'm kind of a noob) and i don't have hair-loss problems. plus it seems to increase sex drive and to a lesser extent aggressiveness.

there are others here more experienced that i'm sure can explain more.
that sounds like a good cycle. ive never heard anyone running mast that high but id like to hear how it goes
Sorry for thread jacking, but I just picked up some mast myself.. I've never tried it before. I've seen jdb's bodybuilder post where his guy seems to be on it a lot for I believe 900mgs/week or so. I was wondering what a generic cycle would look like and proper ai's for mast would be.. I got test e, planning on picking up some tren and/or eq also.. probably should've started my own thread 🙁
The only orals to run for 4 weeks would be Anadrol or Halo. Var and Tbol can be run much longer. 12 wks on var isn't crazy at all. Tbol is really up to you. Like B4M said, keep an eye on what your body is telling you.
The only orals to run for 4 weeks would be Anadrol or Halo. Var and Tbol can be run much longer. 12 wks on var isn't crazy at all. Tbol is really up to you. Like B4M said, keep an eye on what your body is telling you.

thanks tsize... i'm gonna keep it going for a few more weeks and see how i feel...
I know a dude that ran anadrol for 4 months 5 days a week at 50mg dose split am PM... straight oral cycle ..... NOT ONE THING WRONG WITH THE LIVER.... maybe he is super human..
mast at a mere 400mg week is great fir retaining tissue for dieting down, what its mainly used for.

at 750-900 the hardening effect really takes place and enough time..maybe even a pound or two of LEAN keepable muscle!
i'm still kind of a nood and not competitive bodybuilder... just a 45 yr old trying to get jacked. but this cycle is kicking ass. i look a little softer today (maybe water from the npp building up?)

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Looking Jacked brother! I hope I look that tight in 3 years.

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