My thoughts and ramblings on MENT (trestolone acetate)


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So I've been experimenting with MENT for the last few months. There's not much information on this board about it so I thought I'd post my thoughts and what I've found. I'm not an authority on it or any AAS, this is just my opinion. Schering has conducted extensive research into use for MENT both as a male contraceptive and as a means of hormonal replacement. I thought it was noteworthy that it accomplished this at a dosage of 12mg ed. That's another example of how strong it is. I haven't seen anything recently showing that they were proceeding with developing it though. I will continue to use testosterone as my base just in case there are long term effects we don't know about. If you search Google you can find logs going back 8-10 years on various prohormone/designer steroid forums. Several of the loggers ran it solo with mixed results. Some felt great on it, some had to add testosterone back in after a few weeks, some felt that they felt better on MENT alone and preferred it to testosterone. Its estrogenic potency is higher than most AAS including testosterone because 7-alpha-methyl-estradiol (the product of MENT aromatization) shows less affinity for binding proteins. It is thought that part of MENT's actions may be the result of this potent estrogen. MENT itself does not bind to SHBG which may be part of the reason for its potency. That's one of the reasons why I run testosterone with it at an HRT dose, shbg does a lot of things in the body that I nor anyone else knows about. I believe that may be why I felt like I needed to inject it every day as it does not bind to the SHBG so the body uses it as soon as the ester is cleaved away. One side effect I noticed quickly was that it puts my libido off the charts. Like crazy horny all the time. The hot flash after injecting is unique in my experience as well, I'm not sure what causes that. Estrogen surge? I just wish that it didn't aromatize so much. It's not too bad at 25mg ed but once you go 50mg or higher it's tough to control. It really is the only compound I ever needed cabergoline with. A friend of mine who has ran it higher and longer than anyone I've seen warned me about needing the cabergoline and honestly, I forgot. He's ran everything and outweighs me by about 70lb, and it's the only thing that ever gave him gyno. I usually try to keep ai's and SERM's to a minimum but I have to run both with MENT. But I still love it, it puts size on me like nothing else, super-charged libido, and gives me that alpha male feeling. I haven't had a problem with aggression, but some do. 50mg is as high as I'll run it, 25mg is probably plenty really. The friend I mentioned earlier has been running it at 100mg ed for close to a year now. But he competes and lives his life around bodybuilding. It's his favorite and it seems like he's going to run it indefinitely.
This is an addition to my original thread I wanted to add because it backs up my theory about how MENT needs to be injected ed. Now I'm thinking maybe 2x a day. I just noticed this part in a research paper on MENT that I had forgotten. It shows that MENT injected IV into MEN not mice or cows or anything else was undetectable in the bloodstream after 3 hours. I had suspected that not binding to shbg was a big deal, but I underestimated it's effect even so. Why doesn't the acetate ester slow it down some? Study starts here: Following the demonstration of the safety of MENT Ac in subchronic toxicity studies in rats and rabbits, a pharmacokinetic study was performed in men. In normal men, a single intravenous bolus of 500 μg of MENT led to peak serum MENT levels at 3 minutes after dosing (when the first samples were collected), followed by an exponential decline, reaching undetectable levels by 180 minutes. The average terminal half-life and the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) were calculated to be 40 minutes and 2,360 L/day, respectively. The results of the pharmacokinetic studies show that in both men and monkeys, the MCR of MENT is much faster than the values reported for testosterone. The faster MCR can be attributed, in part, to the finding that, in contrast to testosterone, MENT showed no binding to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). It's half life is obviously going to be longer when injected intra-muscular but I thought that the acetate ester would have slowed it down. Opinions?
I've looked into it myself but the Lab is international which I don't do unfortunately
i wish someone would make some long-estered trest
Anyone try this?

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