NASA ends cover-up and finally admits water flows on Mars...


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NASA ends cover-up and finally admits water flows on Mars... but still won't admit to proof of life on the red planet, known as a fact since 1976
Monday, September 28, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) After years of covering up the truth about flowing water on Mars, NASA has finally come clean and admitted what we've been telling you for years here on Natural News: Water flows on Mars.

I've covered this many times in radio interviews, articles and discussions about life in the cosmos, yet NASA has deliberately covered up proof of water on Mars and life on Mars for political reasons. See Natural News articles about water on Mars here, here and here, where I wrote, "There's also liquid water on Mars -- another fact that NASA has gone to great lengths to cover up."

Today, NASA ended its cover-up of the water on Mars, admitting in a breaking announcement that "liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars."

Gee, really? We already knew that.

Here's one of the images released by NASA:

When will NASA end the anti-science blockade of knowledge and admit there's life on Mars?
We also know that NASA's Viking lander discovered microbial life on Mars in 1976, but NASA still denies its own scientific evidence on that front. (There was a massive scramble at NASA in the 1970s to reverse the findings and declare the instrument to be incorrect by any means necessary.)

In reality, proof of living microbes was validated by the on-board gas chromatograph instrument in an experiment designed by Gilbert V. Levin. See this video for details on how NASA screwed its own scientist to cover up proof of life on Mars:

Now, NASA seems to be hinting in the direction of one day admitting there's life on the red planet. From the NASA announcement today:

“It took multiple spacecraft over several years to solve this mystery, and now we know there is liquid water on the surface of this cold, desert planet,” said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “It seems that the more we study Mars, the more we learn how life could be supported and where there are resources to support life in the future.”[size=14pt]

NASA isn't interested in scientific TRUTH... it's playing out a political agenda

Now that NASA has "officially" ended the cover-up about water on Mars, don't look for any mass apologies being offered to all of us who have been reporting the truth about water for years.

Yesterday, all of us who openly talked about water flowing on Mars were considered "kooks." Now we're suddenly aligned with official NASA science. What changed in the last 24 hours? Only NASA's willingness to voluntarily end its own anti-science cover-up of undeniable evidence that's been available for years.

NASA, you see, is more of a political group than a science group. That's why NASA continues to go to great lengths to cover up proof of microbial life on Mars (not to mention possible artifacts from ancient aliens who previously visited the red planet).

And if NASA has been covering up the obvious evidence of flowing water for the last few decades, we all have to ask the obvious question: What else is NASA covering up?

I'll tell you what: There is life on Mars right now. Living, breathing, replicating and evolving. Mars is alive with "extremophile" microbes that live in the soil and the water flows. In fact, life is abundant across our cosmos, which means we are not alone.

If there's water flowing on Mars right now, then it's almost impossible to argue there isn't also life on Mars. And if there's life on Mars, then life is almost certainly common across the cosmos, living on every planet with hospitable conditions of warmth and atmosphere.

NASA, you owe Gilbert Levin a huge apology. It's time to end the cover-up and publicly admit there is LIFE ON MARS right now.

Sources for this article include: ( (
tkasch30 said:
Your big into,this cover up shit aren't you ,lol
Im big into EVERYTHING.

What else have I got to do with my time,except post here.LMFAO. Thats what happens when you retire.8)

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