Need help!! Antidepressants


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Hey guys! First off I've been off the boards for a bit. Checking in to see what's good and I need your help! I've been dealing with anxiety for a long time. Ow and decided to take a dive and start medication. My sex drive is gone!! Nothing! Also experiencing weight loss. My doc said these are all common sides no matter what meds I take for my anxiety. Any of you have this problem? Any cycle suggestions to counter this. I'm going to check my stash but I'm sure I'm going to have to scrap some pennies or check classified to get some gear.
Thanks in advance!
I'm on 1600mg of Gabapentin for anxiety and it slaughtered my sex drive. Currently taking Cialis but 5mg a day does nothing for me. I'm having to run 10mg of Cialis and be highly turned on to have sex.

What medicines are you on buddy?
Throw all that anti depressant shit in the trash. Run a nice cycle and figure out what makes you happy. Anti depressants wont
Sertaline HCL it's pretty much Zoloft. I'm not depressed I'm happy as hell to. E honest. I just have anxiety issues. Can't stand crowds or events with a lot of people. I also am on the defense all the time. Feel like people are always trying to duck with me or break into my house.
I have an anxiety that causes me to lash out in anger lol otherwise I'm a easygoing kat as long as I stay medicated. I was on drugs and lacked sleep so much my body said fuck it I ain't making serotonin anymore. Doc put me on celexa and trazadone and it works for me. I tried a lot of different stuff till he got it right. Adding gear has put me on a roller coaster at times but lots of test and staying active try different ones bro there's a mix that will work and some that will make you hate the world. I'll never get off my meds my wife won't let me. As far as sex drive mines never gone unless I stay on deca too long lol

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Thanks for your insight brother. I hope my doc and I figure it out. It's crazy that a pill as small as steraline can shut down your sex drive all together. Completely gone. I couldn't even keep it up. Thank god my fiancé understands. Do you take meds daily or only intermittently?
my doc prescribed me prozac when I was messed up over my divorce. Felt great, still had sex drive but could not cum
I got some experience with this. Was on like 4-5 different meds including two different antidepressant meds when I got back from Iraq. I had the same issue,. Just did a cruise of test. Started some prop first with eth injects at the same time. Did the prop to get it in my system faster, and the eth just was building. Then dropped the prop and just cruised on 350mgs eth a week. That gave me my drive back. And I through in some viagra for good measure!!
That's kind of what I was thinking. Looked though my stash and I have no long esters.. so that sucks. I'm strapped right now for cash. So I may have to deal with it. Maybe I can convince the doc to get me some cialis or viagra or better yet throw me on trt. Wishful thinking
keyk240 said:
Thanks for your insight brother. I hope my doc and I figure it out. It's crazy that a pill as small as steraline can shut down your sex drive all together. Completely gone. I couldn't even keep it up. Thank god my fiancé understands. Do you take meds daily or only intermittently?
keyk240I take my pills every day , everyday lol after three days off I'm unbearable apparently like a life of daily trentude

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Cialis won't do much unless 10mg or more. Be cautious of taking it with viagra, obviously for health reasons.

There's a point of no return for sex drive while taking Zoloft medicine. Lower your dosage to just below that point and take viagra or Cialis to help.

To be honest I had anxiety issues prior to taking Gabapentin. Not being able to get hard and horny is a worse feeling of anxiety.

Consider Vistaril? Treats anxiety as an off label issue.
research zoloft and wellbutrin. its seem like the small theraputic dose of each is a great combo for GAD and improving loss of desire for sex .
I was on Citalopram for a little while. It made me feel aweful. I fet empty inside and when I quit it, I felt like myself again. You can't always listen to Doctors. They like to cram shit down your throats and pretend everything is alright.
I second what tkasch30 and Titan88 said.

Anti-depressants are very dangerous. My bro almost killed himself while on those things!!!

Workout hard consistently, eat better, and SLEEP the GOOD HOURS(from 10pm-6am) and you will definitely feel better.
These are the basics, and without them you can't really fix anything.

Whenever I don't do these things, my head gets all messed up too, so I telling you what I know works.
These things are easy medicine. Please do these first, and you'll find relief.

And prayer and meditation help in a BIG way too, but don't neglect those basics.
Thanks for all the love guys! Doc wants me to try lexapro before giving up meds all together. I'm going to try a low dose and go from there. Anybody feel like helping a brother out with some test E. just to cruise on. I need to get my finances in order before I can make a big purchase. I've lost nearly 20 pounds. I'm under 170 pounds I haven't been under 170 in years. And it's not good weight loss I've lost a lot of size and strength. This is with upping my calories. Antidepressants are causing me depression losing all this hard work.
keyk240 said:
Thanks for all the love guys! Doc wants me to try lexapro before giving up meds all together. I'm going to try a low dose and go from there. Anybody feel like helping a brother out with some test E. just to cruise on. I need to get my finances in order before I can make a big purchase. I've lost nearly 20 pounds. I'm under 170 pounds I haven't been under 170 in years. And it's not good weight loss I've lost a lot of size and strength. This is with upping my calories. Antidepressants are causing me depression losing all this hard work.
post in classifieds someone might...
Thanks brother! It's good to be back on the board for awhile. I like what you've done to the place.

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