Need help from the brothers of iron!


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Need help building my triceps!!!

I feel like my tricep workouts have gone stale.. I do mix them up all the time. I try new shit and old shit and they never seem to grow.. I've been training them once a week. Usually dedicate just one workout to each body part.

Anyone got some good workouts to share for them?

Sets? Reps?

I know everyone is different and has different methods to building them. This is why I ask.
i look at every muscle as having three parts, the long (stretched), the middle and the short (fully contracted)

so try to find exercises that touch all three , also understand to fully contract the triceps the arm basically has to be up behind the back like a kick back movement
so many variables here tough to diagnose ... lots of times a change in training style is needed.. since you been doing them once a week, maybe increase the frequency?.. do them every workout, just not to failure... increasing frequency can be the fastest way to gains if you don't cut too far into your recovery ability... being on juice helps with that

if you been doing lower reps... swap to higher..etc..
Heavy Skull Crushers, Close grip Bench Press, Cable pushdowns. Really get that mind muscle connection. I got most of my Tricep size from benching really heavy. I would do 4 sets of 8 to 12 on each tricep exercise, twice a week. After Chest and on Arm day. Pin presses in the rack can also put a lot of size on your tris.

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