need some advice and help


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok well without going into to much detail.

So I had an episode today lol...

short and simple I came home today and my neighbor came to check on me to see how I was doing.. after about 3 min of talking to him I passed the fuck out.

I went to the DR.. So here is my issue I have self induced hypoglycemia. due to my diet easy fix....

SO during my Dr visit through lots of questions of questions I come clean,,

I have very very bad anxiety. and depression. I don't sleep well I do but only like 2-3 hours a night... So my dr says I want you to take some meds and we will get through t this blah blah .... SO I agree to take the meds.. Because honestly I do need them.

So here is my issue.. I am taking caladapin for anxiety, minipress for nightmares and celexa for depression and anxiety. They say I will need to be on it for awhile.. I am not crazy or nothing like that I just have some serious shit I am going through at the moment. I am alos taking Norco and flexaril for pain due to my injury..

SO here is my deal I am not running a cycle but I want to run GH. I am running 200mg of test a week right now split.. the main reason for the gh and test if for rehabilitation reasons.. Due to the fact I had 3 spinal surgeries last year and then I was reinjured in my spin about a month and a half ago..

So I guess I am asking what you guys think about running gh and test while on these meds... Its not like I need the meds but they will help me get through my issues that I am having right now.. A buddy on here is trying to talk me into getting help from a DR about it but I am very reluctant in doing that due to the last time I did it turned into a big mess which landed me in a fucking hospital because some fag dr thought I was crazy and due to my job I had no choice but to abide by the order to go.. Which turned out I didn't need to be there is was just a way for the Dr to cover his fucking ass,,, anyway yeah so if you guys can give me any insight it would be helpful
IMHO (and now knowing what happened last time you saw the shrink) I would take the meds as prescribed and see where that gets you. I can't say if the meds and aas will interfere. I can't imagine they would but I know someone's wife who would know 😉.

My point about Talking to someone could just be someone who understands the unique circumstances. And on second thought, a therapist isn't that person.

Want the best for you buddy!!
JackedPimp said:
IMHO (and now knowing what happened last time you saw the shrink) I would take the meds as prescribed and see where that gets you. I can't say if the meds and aas will interfere. I can't imagine they would but I know someone's wife who would know 😉.

My point about Talking to someone could just be someone who understands the unique circumstances. And on second thought, a therapist isn't that person.

Want the best for you buddy!!
I hear you and yeah I talked to his wife and she said no it wont.. But she is not an expert in AAS. She did say it may infact help my mood more being test does affect serotonin levels in a positive way..

Just curious if any other dudes have taken any of these kinds of meds and would give up some info on their experiences...

I might give my buddy a call and BS shit with him to see if it helps any. I just don't trust shrinks..
Sorry about your problems I dont see any issues with gh and test only thing id suggest is to try to wing off the norcos narcotics can cost you your life in the long run. Ive lost family members to vicodin addiction that started because of pain. Best of luck to you hope you get well soon
I was on anti depressants before while on tren. It worked out pretty good for me. Caladapins, lexapro, xanax, and the other one u mentioned, celesta or whatever. Xanax was a bit overkill so I dropped it. Lexapro and Caladapins worked pretty good for me. I wasn't on pain meds tho and I was in my 20s..
i am no doctor, but that dose of test seems like just trt dose that would put you in the higher end of test range... so i don't see how that would have bad effects.

and i guess if you didn't do a ton of gh... it would be OK too.

my heart goes out to you bro.. sounds like you have a mountain of shit going on. i hope you get well physically and mentally...
49ER said:
Sorry about your problems I dont see any issues with gh and test only thing id suggest is to try to wing off the norcos narcotics can cost you your life in the long run. Ive lost family members to vicodin addiction that started because of pain. Best of luck to you hope you get well soon
I only take the Norco when I cant handle the pain anymore once every few days.. I don't like to take them because they make me very aggressive and angry... SO I only take it when the pain has become absolutely unbearable. the flexaril is only for muscle relaxation and I don't take that often either. but I hear you I had a bad issue the last time I was on them after my second spinal surgery last year,, Another reason I try not to fuck with them...
@ tbone thanks for the input bro..

@krustus ehh its all good man just finding my own way of dealing with the shit the best way possible.. yeah it is a trt dose self prescribed. and no I am only thinking of running 2 iu a day maybe 4 at most. I had great luck with HG and gear with recovery from spinal surgeries and I am trying to prevent another one so hoping GH and some gear will get me back to where I was before... Being I am not as bad as I was before... It will all work out in the end. it always does..
Sry to hear this. I dont really have much input. Never used any of those meds. Hope things get better for you some how.
I can't say weather they will cause some bad reaction, but it sounds like you need to take the time with your prescribed meds and get back on track. We all have fallen you of all people here have nothing to be ashamed or worried about for getting help! Take the time to heal your mind and the body will follow...your stronger than most of us but not superman!

JMO-wish you the best and thank you for doing what many of us could not or would not!!

I know where you're coming from. Although my wife is very good with medicine dueto being in the medical field a very long time, I still dont trust her advice or knowledge of AAS and the way it will counteract with other meds. So Im with you on this one
IMO, that low of a dose wont do much for you other than TRT. Your body if normal would produce about half that. That said im not a dr or an expert so take it for what its worth. Good luck to you though bud
Hey chief! I'm with most of the others, the TRT dose of test shouldn't interfere with the other meds at all. GH doesn't work in the system pathways that most of those other meds do, so it should be fine too. But, in all honesty, once you start getting on multiple narcotics, it's always a real good idea to see what the contra-indications are and for your doc to know what you're on. None of us here are Doctors. Just like we are knowledgeable in the craft we find ourselves in, the Doctors know about things we don't. The trick is finding the right doctor!

To your health!
I think you will be fine boss man. I am currently taking 30mgs a day of celexa for anxiety. Those attacks are no joke. I was cruising and blasting on it the whole time and it never bothered me. I am on a tren run now and do notice a little anxiety but just have to remember its the tren. I do not know to much about the other meds your taking. I do think that you will be just fine running test and some gh. I think the extra test will even you out a lil and the gh will help you heal quicker with your current injuries. I am no DR though and all of us are different for sure. Good luck and lmk if theres anything I can help you with =)
I'm running 20 mg celexa also. None of my cycles ever gave me any sides from mixing with celexa.
@ tsize due to my current situation I can in no way tell my Doc shit about gear. lol

and to the rest of the guys thanks for the input. I really appreciate it..

I think I am just going to run the low dose of test may even drop it to 100mg a week. Not trying to grow on it.. and run the gh with it 5 days a week. 2iu ed at wake up..

went to the Dr again today to do a little check up and she says max I should be on these pills is 3-4 months... and I guess I am going to go see a shrink... will see if it helps.
well today I got four spinal injections.. if these help they are just going to burn the nerves in my back and that should last up to two years.. which is good for me that means no need for pain meds and I can get back to somewhat of a normal life again.... BAd thing is eventually I will have to bite the bullet and have another spinal surgery but I am going to postpone it for as long as I can.. hopefully like 10 or more years.. I had three last year but it wasn't a choice of mine I had to have them..

So I think once I get ride of this pain I should be able to deal with the other shit a little better being the pain sure as hell don't make shit better..

And again thanks guys for putting in your opinions and caring enough to do so... it does not go on deaf ears that is for sure..

Side not I took the minpress last night and holy fucking hell... I have never felt like such shit in my life... It was the worst headache I have ever fucking had.. when I woke up after abot sleeping for abot 2 hours everytime I moved I thought I as going to throw the fuck up... I could barley do shit... took about damn near the whole day for it to subside... needless to say I wont be taking that shit ever again... I would much rather live with the nightmares than have to deal with that shit day in and day out..
Hey bro. I'm with most on this. That dose test and GH shouldn't really be an issue.
Getting an expert opinion it's really hard because it's really hard to find a doctor to give you a true unbiased opinion on the subject.
Some others are so quick to prescribe all of these dangerous meds, but god forgive they give you some test and gh.
I'm sure you need some of these meds of course due to the pain your in.
My only advice its to be careful in your training, since some of these meds might mask you pain. And the test and gh will make you feel better so It might be easier to over do it with your training.
Hopefully you can back off some of these pain meds after the GH has some time to help in the healing process.
Best off luck with this bro.

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