Need some advice


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Gents, I'm cruising for next 3 weeks then have a checkup with my doctor and then will do another blast.

My last blast consisted of 800mg of Test Cyp, 400mg of NPP, worked up to 70mcg a day of T3 and down off, 50mg of Proviron/day and one 14 day run of Clen ramping up to 140mcg a day and down off. I ran this cycle for 15 weeks.

I had tried to incorporate Tren A into that cycle but I couldn't deal with the insomnia and night sweats were insane insane.

Let me put my stats up for prior to that cycle which was about 197Lbs and 15% body fat. Possibly slightly higher to 15.5-16%.

After that cycle I went to 175Lbs at 10.5% body fat. I totally loved it and how riped my abs were and how cut and defined I was.

I was considering of doing this the next cycle to bulk:

700mg Substanon, 400mg deca, 40-50mg/day of dbol for 5 weeks and 50mg a day of Proviron. Or possibly do Tbol at 50mg a day for 5 weeks instead of dbol.

I really want to gain more size this next cycle but I don't want to get all watery bloaty and totally lose my abs.

What would you guys suggest? I pretty much have every compound at my fingertips but I don't want to run Tren A or E.

I'm thinking if I just do the Tbol instead of dbol I can gain size and maintain my lean body and not worry about water weight.
Keep your estrogen in check and dbol won't bloat you up so much. And deca will require caber/ PRAMI. Prob just a very low maintenance dose. But get a good AI and you won't bloat up so bad. And EAT CLEAN. OTHERWISE if you like the proposed cycle. Go at it and good luck. Remember that you were also on t-3 etc last cycle!!! So abs will require some clean dieting to keep abs. All my opinion. This is what works for me. Everyone reacts very different. Dbol actually never even did anything for me. My buddy took same dose and brand and blew up.
Yeah bro...Tbol is better than dbol...although it give me anger issues.
id still use NPP and just pin twice a week, its versatile like that, nandrolones very calorie dependant so it will all come down to diet, you have to eat clean food, to stay ripped you have to keep the carbs low
Daredevil said:
Gents, I'm cruising for next 3 weeks then have a checkup with my doctor and then will do another blast.

My last blast consisted of 800mg of Test Cyp, 400mg of NPP, worked up to 70mcg a day of T3 and down off, 50mg of Proviron/day and one 14 day run of Clen ramping up to 140mcg a day and down off. I ran this cycle for 15 weeks.

I had tried to incorporate Tren A into that cycle but I couldn't deal with the insomnia and night sweats were insane insane.

Let me put my stats up for prior to that cycle which was about 197Lbs and 15% body fat. Possibly slightly higher to 15.5-16%.

After that cycle I went to 175Lbs at 10.5% body fat. I totally loved it and how riped my abs were and how cut and defined I was.

I was considering of doing this the next cycle to bulk:

700mg Substanon, 400mg deca, 40-50mg/day of dbol for 5 weeks and 50mg a day of Proviron. Or possibly do Tbol at 50mg a day for 5 weeks instead of dbol.

I really want to gain more size this next cycle but I don't want to get all watery bloaty and totally lose my abs.

What would you guys suggest? I pretty much have every compound at my fingertips but I don't want to run Tren A or E.

I'm thinking if I just do the Tbol instead of dbol I can gain size and maintain my lean body and not worry about water weight.
Both cycles look good but I think you'd be better off with T-bol and only 500mg of Sust weekly.
JuicedVenom said:
Keep your estrogen in check and dbol won't bloat you up so much. And deca will require caber/ PRAMI. Prob just a very low maintenance dose. But get a good AI and you won't bloat up so bad. And EAT CLEAN. OTHERWISE if you like the proposed cycle. Go at it and good luck. Remember that you were also on t-3 etc last cycle!!! So abs will require some clean dieting to keep abs. All my opinion. This is what works for me. Everyone reacts very different. Dbol actually never even did anything for me. My buddy took same dose and brand and blew up.
D-bol never did anything for you??? Wonder why...
Hogslayer said:
D-bol never did anything for you??? Wonder why...
HogslayerYeah Dbol and I aren't friends either. More sides than any respectable gains. Doesn't mean i wont try again but I'll have to use both an AI and SERM cause it's freaking instant gyno.
Wow man the time I used it people at work said "man you're getting fat" but it was just because II blew up.
Now I'm shrinking lol
Two weeks in on the following
Mast E-100mg-Mon,Wed,Fri-AG
HCG-250iu Mon&Fri-Drake
Thanks y'all for the advice.

I love NPP, absolutely love it. But I have a few vials of deca I would like to run through.

I have so much dbol and Tbol from various vendors and they all look so beautiful it makes it hard to decide which to use. I think I'll start off with dbol and run 40-50mg a day and see how I react. Last time and only time I took dbol it wasn't that great because it was a crap UGL version.

Plan to take caber low maintenance dose and arimadex at .25mg every other day.

I might do 600mg of Substanon instead of 800mg.

Thanks again everyone for the input.
Hogslayer said:
D-bol never did anything for you??? Wonder why...
just a low responder. That's why I'm blown away by the Pacific cycle I did. Big gains low doses. CORRECT DIET,Sleep and training.
All looks good as everyone has said brother,I would stay 500 to 600mg on sust.I prefer 100mg of proviron (just me),NPP is also a favorite at 100mg eod. (can't handle tren A),shortness of breath and sleep.Never tried Tbol but it would be my choice over dbol for your cycle.Good luck and you looked good in your last shots bro, keep it up!!!!! Just eat clean which is the next task for me,LOL.
Think I'll do 600mg Substanon, 400mg deca along with 50mg of Proviron and 50mg Tbol(6weeks).

Thanks again y'all for the input.
So I've been off cycle for 8 weeks. For the last 8 weeks I've been doing a trt dose of 170mg a week.

My last trt pin was Saturday early morning. Nearly 54 hours later I went to my doctor for checkup and he checked my bloods.

I'm due for a blood withdrawal tomorrow which I'm doing.

My labs came back:
1,891 test level
52: hemocrit
Hemoglobin: 17.9

Yesterday after my appointment I had started Sustanon 600mg a week, 400mg deca a week, 60mg Tbol and 50mg Proviron.

I'm wondering why my test level was so high.

Also wondering if I should hold off on deca since my hemoglobin was so high. But then again I'm doing a blood withdrawal tomorrow which will lower it.

I feel perfectly fine and feel amazing also.

If you're blasting high mg of test cyp/enan it takes a lot longer to clear than prop. Depends on how long and how high you were running to determine how long to clear. Should have gotten off completely for it to drop faster
Yea I know that but I figured 8 weeks was enough. Doctor said it was high because I took the shot prior to taking the lab tests. He wasn't too concerned or upset about my T level.

He was worried about my hemoglobin and hemocrit.

I'm wondering if just donating 1 whole pint tomorrow is sufficient or if I should do a double red cell donation?
I always do a double as often as they allow me. I don't do whole. But I also never check my blood levels before and after to determine how much it plummets. It honestly couldn't hurt though. Get that shit out of your system and allow your body to remake fresh rbc.

Question though. . Pinning right before a blood test will make your test spike like that?.. don't see how that makes sense but if that's true can someone explain how/why?

Are you running tne?
I don't know why my T level was so high. I looked at my logs. I was off for 9 weeks. The first 2 weeks after cycle I did not take any test. Weeks 3-9 I took 170mg. Maybe the shot does spike your levels within 3 days of shot? Weird.

My plan for the blood levels is donate 1 pint tomorrow and then do 1 pint every 6 weeks.

Anyone know the best range for hemoglobin in men? I know the range is 13.5-17.5. But wondering what's the best level to stay/maintain at.
My T levels come back over 1200 on 125mg a yours on 170mg doesn't seem to out there.... everybody responds different.... mine is always higher than expected
Yea and that's if it was 170, could have been slightly more or less withdrawing from a 1ml vial and only pinning 7/10th of a ml.

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