need some vets....

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we are lookin to release the monster line to the freaks here at eg in near future. we want to give some vets some samples to run to give feed back weather it be good or bad. then we can cratique our service/quality "if needed"
also may be doin a lotto or auction here soon to donate proceeds to eg. if you are intrested in this opertunity please add your name and give a little history of how many cycles you have ran
Hey I'm in! ;D

I am on my 4th cycle.

Have done Test e, Test P, Tren ace, Mast p. Never done an oral.

Right now I'm at the end, just running test p for another 2 weeks then PCT. Blast HCG, take maca root + Fenugreek seed + Toremefene + Aromasin. Make my balls nice and big! not only that but i will smell like pancakes.
Yes i have, I ran Clomid on my 2nd cycle with nolvadex.. Clomid made me extremely depressed and i would get all emotional.. So I just either do Torem or Nolvadex. Clomid made me feel horrible.
lmfao me too. i was like a bitch!!! so i jumped back on and said fuck not comin off.....blast and cruise
i am goin to be recieving some npp, sustenon and dbol in the next few days,i will post when i recieve...
I'm thinking....the Staff would be the best place to start.....But that's just me!! ;D
First of all i'm not a vet and I'm not wanting anything for free and because of being sick so much this year on and off, I haven't been able hit the gym like I was 5 to 6 day a week, actually even had to take about three months off, so I would not be a good test subject anyway. But I'm going to slowly get back in starting 4/1 so you get set up and running and have a period time of no limit and accept green dot, you can count on me trying some of your line, GOOD LUCK, you'll never find a safer board to be part of.
damn tsize dont be no gear whore. lol Notty Im all in. Im on cycle 1 for the past 4years haha. I stay on just blast and then blast harder. I get bloods done reg to so that'll be a big plus with the brothers here I can promise you. I'd be glad to jump in on this and I will post up reveiws etc.,
Wouldn't mind getting in on this and giving some honest feedback. I have ran around 10 cycles in my adult life and only blast and cruise now with bloods done twice a year at least.
I have run just about every compound short of anavar (save that for the wife), and would have bloods done while on your stuff to post up.
I'm 40, 5'8" and sitting @ 215 this morning.
41 I win I'm the oldest= I win! lol Done all sorts of gear. And i'm putting my wife through college I'm the broke-st also= I win lol
I want in. I have ran 6 cycles. Mostly just test at around 500mg. I am currently running test p tren a and mast p at 350mg each a week
Alright guys ill be sending you pms and shipping out Monday. I think we have enough testers for now. Next ill be gettin w tsize and grim to set up a couple auctions or lottos for some gear. Thanks guys. Have a happy Easter!!!
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