Whats up brothers, going to get my bloodwork done in January as part of my TRT program. My clinic is only ordering estradiol, total test, and cbc. I know I know, they should be ordering more, don't know what they're doing, blah blah. Totally understand and that is a separate topic of convo. All I am interested in right now is what online site is best for me to order additional labs from myself, and which test do you suggest as I know they're are many (female, male longevity, male bodybuilder, etc). I am looking for most cost effective including any available coupons or discount codes and most comprehensive test to include everything else that I should be testing for (e2, free test, shbg, etc).
All I really know of is privatemdlabs but am sure you guys know of some other options out there.
All I really know of is privatemdlabs but am sure you guys know of some other options out there.