need to rage!!!!!!!!!!!


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
😡so let's see, since Jan 12 I lost my job of twelve years because I'm apparently intimidating and a total asshole who doesn't like to pat customers on the ass to make them feel better lol. OK I'm good with that. I'm really a nice guy.
I have a mutual hate with my family and my wife has none left but her sister so we've moved to Mississippi. (Woo fucking hoo). I got a new job at a furniture manufacturer but I work nights. My diet is fucked lost almost twenty pounds because the fat mother fuckers I'm supporting, supposed to be be helping me out, keep eating every fucking thing in sight. I get home this morning, I just bought food lol, no eggs, no milk, ate my fuckimg triple chocalate pie that I just bought. I swear when when I wake up this afternoon I'm gonna absolutely go the fuck off while my girls are still in school but my ass is getting this fucking shit fixed . they have no clue the freaking rage this little fucker packs until today the myth of the man will come to fruition. Thank you for reading my kitty party ..... Done 😡
Unload Goober!!! Takes Pics of the aftermath...Lol!!!! 😀
Let it rip my brother. How about my job my superviser doesn't speak English. Plus all my coworkwers have difficulty speaking English as well. This is in the northeast part of the country. I am all for ppl coming here and making a new start. My ancestors came here from Ireland and Germany but they learned the language. My job actually pays you more if you speak Spanish and English.
Easy big fella .... take it out on us instead of your family. Remember who means the world to you. We all know you're a great guy paul. Just sayin'.

Send me a pm and cuss me out paul, I can handle it.
I know the feeling Paul. I had my step son living with us about a year ago right after he turned 18. He thought he could sit around and get high on that mojo shit, sleep, and eat us out of house and home. During the time he lived with us, we would make him get a job but the jobs would only last long enough for him to buy more of that shit. Once he had that it was back to laying around doing nothing but sleep and eat. In the 10 or so months he lived with us he went through at least 8 different jobs. Me and him stood there many times fixin to swing it out but my wife (his mom) begged me not to do it so i never did. We asked him to leave many times but he kept refusing to do so. finally she had to call the cops to have him removed from the house. The cops told us if he didn't want to go we would have to give him a 30 day eviction notice because he lived there longer than 6 months. I can now say he is off that crap and has had a job for almost 9 months. Sorry for the rambling. Guess I could have started my own rant thread.
lol Good luck with everything Paul
I know from experience raging on your family is the least beneficial option!!!
Trust me, I've gone down that long, bumpy road too many times, and making your wife and children miserable is always unproductive and unhealthy for everyone.

Please pray, and take a different approach.

Like Hanzo said, rage on us!!!
(Great recommendation Hanzo 8))

You're a good bro Rockr, everythings is going to work itself out.
(also, be very mindful of tren/nandrolone rage, that will happen before you can even realize it.)
I have. A step son here Paul. Likes to work and make money for himself, contributes nothing, is out of school a year. I don't mind helping someone out but he's all about him self and a cocky prick. So I understand bro. Like Hanzo said. Let us have it. It's hard to win in that situation. Even if the kid is a bum, mom will always defend him. I tell the wife all the time she needs to be his mom and not his friend. But it just don't happen
Hanzo said:
Easy big fella .... take it out on us instead of your family. Remember who means the world to you. We all know you're a great guy paul. Just sayin'.

Send me a pm and cuss me out paul, I can handle it.
...And people say you start
I have been with numerous women with step children. Sometimes I feel they are little disrespectful mf. When I talk to the lady about it she gets her panties in a bunch. I don't give a fuck and will keep discussing the situation until it gets fixed or I move on.
Hhaha I let it go once again I just took a few clever shots about how I'm living with them paying their bills and that my food is mine and not for their next food fix.I think my point was well taken .
I'm off everything right now don't wanna waste the gear if my diet is so off point . and yes tsize I mean my garbage lol.
Thanks guys its nice to know I can just get it out lol I know TMM has heard it ..... Lol

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