New members



Hello my fellow fuck heads .
Theres one thing I wanted to bring up and address.

Couple times I've invited people here and I've gotten pms from them asking whats up . Members here decide on there own they'll take matters into their own hands and start asking questions. Who gave you the invite ? Who this what that ?

First off , IMO who the fuck are you to come at anyone like that in pm ? last time I checked Grim has mods patrolling the board .
Second , I'm not sure but at one time grim had it so only certain people could invite others here . Idk if that's still in effect but regardless all approvals have to go thru grim , he can see who invited who .
If ANYONE is gonna do the questioning in pm , don't you think it should be the owner and/or the staff. Bare minimum a vet member like hanzo .
Believe me when I tell you this , no one questions a new member more than a src. We have way more to lose than any regular member . Those faggots working for LE ( yeah I said it) aren't after regular guys like you .
So anytime a new member contacts me my guard is already up BUT it's how you go about it . That's what matters

Just a thought.

You come at people like that, it kind of pushes them away. I sure as fuck know if someone came at me like that in pm id tell them to go fuck their mother.

It just sets a bad vibe on the board with new members and regulars. You wanna be like those punk assholes on meso or the big boards , no doubt
then go back there.

I didn't post this to start a fight but more something to consider. Look at it from a different perspective. We ALL were new once.

That's all

uncle IRISH

Oh , I'm not naming names or throwing anyone under the bus . I just want everyone to realize and think before you approach a new member . If you're offended by my post I now offer tampons with every purchase =)
Are we new because we are new here? Does that make us Noobz as people call it or not as knowledgeable because we are new here? I am confused from this post you have made? I am sure people that are new here have been around longer than your lab but that's just my guess.
totally understand...
I'm not sure what your post is about or what anybody has said but I feel members have a right to know who invited a new member and there's nothing wrong with just asking in their intro thread
Joker said:
Did you read way I said ?
I didn't say anything about their introduction page .
I'm talking about pming members and asking who are you , who invited you etc etc .

Introduction thread is different unless it's done in a confrontational way.
Well I was speaking about asking in an intro thread. I asked in his intro thread an was met with hostility
I don't really know who is saying what to new members, but hey, if Irish is inviting them over then enough said !!!
I've never questioned any member , well that I can remember , and I believe here at EG , everyone has a chance to make a name for themselves and contribute !!!
So instead of givin people the 3rd degree just give'em a shot . Shit if anything or if there's a problem just PM GRIMEY !!!
I hate everyone equally so fuck all ya 😉 !!!
there is an expectation that no one is truly new here as only trusted members can invite others, now unless your just trying to get invite counts up we all expect people to only invite others we can trust in this circle.
If someone is on EG they already have a lot more cred than most on other boards. Call me naive but Jokers invites are cool with me
morrey said:
If someone is on EG they already have a lot more cred than most on other boards. Call me naive but Jokers invites are cool with me
If joker invites them here, we might need to give them a full psychological evaluation!.. jk lol

Joker's done a lot for this board and had helped a few members here more than once. I'm sure he wouldn't just invite anyone here for the hell of it.
It's completely ok to ask a member in a welcome thread who invited them, Joker is referring to pming other members about this. There isn't a need for this and doesn't make the new members feel welcome. We want new members feeling welcomed and not attacked.

Let's not take this thread for what is not fellas. Hope all of you are enjoying your weekend
New members are cool with me so long as they don't come in and start demanding shit. lol
Guys, all you have to do is look at a members profile to see who invited them. Why in the world would someone question a new member just for showing up....Just don't do it.
TSizemore said:
Guys, all you have to do is look at a members profile to see who invited them. Why in the world would someone question a new member just for showing up....Just don't do it.
lol I thought everyone knew this
I agree with TSize,

There is absolutely no reason for this. We need new members to progress and survive. New quality members that is however, if there is a concern with a new member, please contact us as staff with your concern. IF we feel there is a legit concern, we will investigate.

That is the protocol for any issues. We want the board to be entertaining, full of knowledge, and drama free. There is an old saying: "Just because you may not like mustard, doesn't mean you have to skip the picnic" Everyone has qualities that we can benefit from in one way or another.
I invited one person to this board over a year ago I will never invite another. Fuck that I'm in each for his own. Just like few months back a vendor on here that was a good friend of a high ranking member even a mod. Dudes life took a bad turn family trouble etc packs weren't being sent out. He was banned fast and everything made right (if you wanna put that way not really. EG staff actually sent out stuff from their own stash to make shit right so really dude fucked his own people over) but vouching for someone giving them a key to the door can turn around and bite you in the ass.
What's up fellas I'm Boston597 I'm a newbie as much as I hate that word cuz I feel I'm a veteran.Im 45 been in the game a good while. But I guess we all start here.I hope I'm in the rite place I do most posting from phone & sometimes I miss a thread or two but I wanted to post up asap to get the ball rolling.
I'm normally around 220 lbz im 5' 7" about 8-12 % Bf. I'm currently at 200.I'm on cycle as we speak
I belong to a bunch of forums.My good buddy Thor introduced me to this wonderful place,says No bullshit, No Drama,That sounds rite up my ally. I'm gonna do my best to contribute, Donate and hope i can give some good advice.Oh I'm not a very serious person and have thick skin so feel free to fuck with me
Boston597 said:
What's up fellas I'm Boston597 I'm a newbie as much as I hate that word cuz I feel I'm a veteran.Im 45 been in the game a good while. But I guess we all start here.I hope I'm in the rite place I do most posting from phone & sometimes I miss a thread or two but I wanted to post up asap to get the ball rolling.
I'm normally around 220 lbz im 5' 7" about 8-12 % Bf. I'm currently at 200.I'm on cycle as we speak
I belong to a bunch of forums.My good buddy Thor introduced me to this wonderful place,says No bullshit, No Drama,That sounds rite up my ally. I'm gonna do my best to contribute, Donate and hope i can give some good advice.Oh I'm not a very serious person and have thick skin so feel free to fuck with me
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