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Anyone seen any new movies lately? I watch Don't Breathe. It was decent. It was 3 thieves who break into a home and get trapped and then crazy stuff starts happening. Good movie, I give it 7.5/10.
Daredevil said:
Anyone seen any new movies lately? I watch Don't Breathe. It was decent. It was 3 thieves who break into a home and get trapped and then crazy stuff starts happening. Good movie, I give it 7.5/10.
Go see war dawgs

Great movie about selling ammunition to the govt illegally.

Much better than don't breathe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haven't been to any movies lately, but I am stoked to see West World the second it comes out!
I went and seen 31 a couple of weeks ago. It is a Rob Zombie film, I am a big zombie fan! I pull a lot of inspiration for Halloween from his movies and music. Anyways it was an advanced screening of it and I thought it was good, straight to the blood and gore and all the demented stuff Rob Zombie thinks of! It will be released in theaters on Oct. 21st I believe but they released it on VOD today.

No but the wife and I are movie freaks bro. Work has been so ridiculous just haven't had the opportunity
Can't remember the last time I was at the movies.
I just stream most of my movies at home.
So i usually wait a month or 2 after it hits the theaters and I'll be able to watch it for free.
I liked Sicario a lot, from Villenueve. he is making the new one called Arrival. makes smart intelligent and realistic movies. other then that waiting for Nolans new WW1 movie next year. Sully wasnt too bad just watched it recently, little drawn out but all in all good as most of Clints work is.
Saw Sully. It was a bit slow, but worth it. What a great reminder of how government and business will sell out our heroes without a second thought. Liked it.

Also saw Snowden. It was slow too, but excellent. Man talk about putting it on the line. It got bad reviews, but probably because they showed exactly how Obama and even Facebook was/is part of the biggest scam & crime ever committed on the US. Loved it.

The Magnificent 7: Totally bad ass. More bad guys killed than any movie I've ever seen. It was a modern day epic cowboy movie. Loved it.
I just watched The Conjuring 2 and Rob Zombies 31. I'm a huge horror fan so both of these movies were pretty cool. For some reason, everywhere in town was sold out of the Conjuring 2 and my Kodi app didn't have any decent quality ones. So I finally got to rent it at the local video store.
Last one i watched was suicide squad

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