New personal best



I hit legs hard today and hit my new personal best on the leg press. I did 4 sets total with the last set being my max. I did 1003lbs for 10 reps, then second set I did 1183lbs for 8 reps, third set I did 1363lbs for 6 reps, then I did a set just to see how much I could do after my three regular sets that I always do and I hit 1543lbs for 1 rep. I did all sets unassisted with a spotter on each side for the last two sets but they never touched the sled or any of the weights, they just stood and watched me power it up on my own! I feel good about it, I am sore as hell and cant hardly walk but feel good lol. I wanted to see where I was at after the lengthy heavy cycle I am coming off of today, so while everything was still full in my system I figured why not see how far I have come.
Fuck ya bro thats some heavy ass weight my lef press only fits 720 I believe. Nice bro karma frapachino for you
The sled I used today has 4 places to put plates at, 2 low and 2 right above those, each section holds 8 plates and I had every section filled, so 16 plates per side. The sled unloaded is 103lbs. 32 plates is the most I have ever done(today), now I will have to seat my wife on the top of the foot platform to add weight to it cause it is completely filled and they don't have 100lb plates!
Nice work mane! I love hearing things like this! ;D
Thanks everyone. I am proud of myself for even trying to do it today, after taking all last week off for the holidays and eating so much food for thanksgiving and over the weekend, I had this sudden thought in my head that said I am going heavy all week to see where I am at on all my body parts and I went in there and blasted legs today. I was gonna go and throw on some quarters for 1593lbs but I decided to keep it where it was, and I am glad I did cause it was HEAVY!!!! I didn't use my hands to push my thighs or any knee wraps or assistance of any kind, it was all on my own raw with my knees to my chest. Im stoked. My next goal is 1600lbs.
Damn son....pretty soon, you'll look like me!!!

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Lol. Im working on it. I hit a new best today on arms. I did standing single arm dumbbell curls 4th set 1 rep with 80lb dumbells in each hand. No swinging or ducking under the weight, all proper form standing still legs together and muscled the weight up for a rep each arm. I also hit a best on triceps today too, I did seated single arm overhead extentions on a 4th set with a 60lb dumbbell for 1 rep each arm. I am feeling strong this week, could be from the week rest I had last week and going in the gym with every body part fresh. Im excited to see what tomorrow will bring with chest day!

I have just been doing 2ius of the hgh now in the morning upon waking and I have got some more feeling in my fingers and the shooting pain has decreased a lot, I can actually hold the weights in each hand without extreme pain shooting to my fingers the entire time. I did get some short bursts of shooting pains but not that bad and it was tolerable and it wasn't constant. I can lay down and sleep now on my sides without my arms and hands falling instantly asleep and as a matter of fact I slept the whole night on my side and all I had was a slight tingle and low numbness in my hand and when I got up I could close my hand completely without it feeling like it was so swollen and like a balloon. I also cut my gear intake down to less than half of what I was taking but I don't think that would be a difference this soon, I think everything I was experiencing had to do with the gh. But I am still gonna come down to a low test dose by the beginning of the year and stay on that for a few.
Good job bro. Thats alot of plates. Strong dude for sure.
Yea we cleared off every machine and weight rack of 45lb plates in the whole area the leg press is in, there were no plates anywhere to be found cause they were all in one spot....on our leg press!!!LOL
Great Job DG.......gear it down....! I bet those huge numbers won't go down that much at all!
I hope they don't go down much. That was one of the main worries of tapering down, I was afraid I would lose a lot of strength and size. I haven't been on a low dose in along time so I am anxious to see what it brings and I am alittle worried at the same time.
Lol. I haven't heard a guy called that! Well I did chest yesterday and didn't do as much as I wanted to but still did pretty decent. I only do dumbbell work when benching cause of my shoulders but my chest comes in ok considering. I did 125lb dumbells for 1 rep for my 4th set on flat bench dumbbell press, not too bad but not the most I have ever done. The gym I go to only has 100lb dumbells so I had to improvise and have my wife set a 25lb dumbbell ontop of each 100lb dumbbell after I got the up in a locked position, so I was holding the 100lb dumbells in my hands and had a 25lb dumbbell wedged and balanced ontop of them kind of like a "X" fashion. It was alittle hard to press the weights up so they didn't lean and fall, so I had to go super slow and controlled throughout the whole movement which gave me a hell of a squeeze, then I had to hole them up locked out so my wife could get the 25lb dumbells unwedged from the 100`s! I probably look like a crazy person doing things like that but hey you gotta do what you gotta do right?! I wanted to get at least 130lbs in each hand up but it was tough to do how I had to do it so I am happy.
Damn!! That's insane!! I would have had my phone out video taping that one! lol....end up America's Funniest Videos....what??? I would have split it with you! 70/30 😛
I don't bring my phone into the gym with me, if I am gonna do a big lift or something and I remember I will try to get it on video or a pic or something. Yesterday I did back and traps but I don't do anything that is extraordinary for back, I use a lot of machines and I stack all of them so its nothing new to do that. Today I did shoulders and forearms and I put up 95lb dumbells on the seated dumbbell press, that is a big one for me in years cause I have had both my shoulders operated on and I have 4 anchors in each shoulder holding my tendons together, so 95`s were the most I have done in along time. I know for a fact I could have put up the 100`s cause the 95`s weren't that bad tbh, but I didn't know and it was my 4th set of 1 rep just to see my max and I haven't gone heavy in years so I thought they were going to be heavier than they really were. All in all I did pretty good this week, now I know where I am on a lot of bodyparts.

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