Next cycle thoughts


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Guys I've got about 13 weeks before my next doctor appointment to have my levels checked for my Testosterone replacement therapy.

My past cycle was:
Sustanon @ 700mg/week
Proviron @ 50mg/day
Tbol for first 6 weeks @ 80mg/day
Arimadex @ 0.30mg 3x a week

The last week I've been off cycle and used test cyp 200mg.

For my next cycle I'm considering test prop @ 600mg a week for 10 weeks. I'm also considering adding Tren A, Tbol and/or possibly NPP.

I would like the hardcore tren A in this short cycle but also would like NPP for my joints. Tbol is an option.

Would be doing 50mg of proviron daily with arimadex @ 0.30mg 3x a week for estrogen control.

Also I'm using HGH with T4(100mcg/day) and slowly working my way up to 6iu a day.

My current weight is 175Lbs at 5'09". My body fat is 9.5%. I would like to put on some more lean body mass and stay between 7.5%-10% body fat. My diet would be clean.

What would y'all recommend?

Also I have caber on hand if its recommended for certain dosages.

Also I have pretty much every AAS compound oral and oil on hand. If there's some better options using other compounds let me know. Just can't run it more than 10 weeks because I only have 3 weeks after cycle to get my levels back to range of 1300-1900 total test.
Also was considering Test Prop, Tren A and Masteron prop @ 50mg each a day.

My only concern with that would there be a libido issue?
Daredevil said:
Also was considering Test Prop, Tren A and Masteron prop @ 50mg each a day.

My only concern with that would there be a libido issue?
this cycle is simply, and works like a charm. cant go wrong with it and libido will be beastly and skyhigh. tren mast and test are best buddies for life. if you wanna be lean and mean then keep the test down and increase mast and tren
drakonrep said:
this cycle is simply, and works like a charm. cant go wrong with it and libido will be beastly and skyhigh. tren mast and test are best buddies for life. if you wanna be lean and mean then keep the test down and increase mast and tren
Couldn't agree more. I might toss in Tbol...simply cause I like the stuff.
also throw in anavar and or winny = peoples heads are turning guaranteed
i like it and it might do the trick, for slow lean muscle mass i like doing test, EQ, primo . the tren and mast . test stuff is awesome id do it closer to summer
So pretty much everyone thinks Test Prop, masteron prop and Tren ace for next cycle.

I plan to do 350mG each of them from Vaultek Tri-stack and inject 1mL a day, running it with arimadex @ .25mg 3x a week and proviron @ 50mg/day. The tri-stack has 50mg of each compound in it.

What do y'all think about caber? Would it be needed for 350mg of Tren Ace a week?
Daredevil said:
So pretty much everyone thinks Test Prop, masteron prop and Tren ace for next cycle.

I plan to do 350mG each of them from Vaultek Tri-stack and inject 1mL a day, running it with arimadex @ .25mg 3x a week and proviron @ 50mg/day. The tri-stack has 50mg of each compound in it.

What do y'all think about caber? Would it be needed for 350mg of Tren Ace a week?
Daredevilnoboy can say. some dont need cabre and some do on even little bit of tren. in general speaking have some at hand and use if needed but only wen needed
Daredevil said:
Guys I've got about 13 weeks before my next doctor appointment to have my levels checked for my Testosterone replacement therapy.

My past cycle was:
Sustanon @ 700mg/week
Proviron @ 50mg/day
Tbol for first 6 weeks @ 80mg/day
Arimadex @ 0.30mg 3x a week

The last week I've been off cycle and used test cyp 200mg.

For my next cycle I'm considering test prop @ 600mg a week for 10 weeks. I'm also considering adding Tren A, Tbol and/or possibly NPP.

I would like the hardcore tren A in this short cycle but also would like NPP for my joints. Tbol is an option.

Would be doing 50mg of proviron daily with arimadex @ 0.30mg 3x a week for estrogen control.

Also I'm using HGH with T4(100mcg/day) and slowly working my way up to 6iu a day.

My current weight is 175Lbs at 5'09". My body fat is 9.5%. I would like to put on some more lean body mass and stay between 7.5%-10% body fat. My diet would be clean.

What would y'all recommend?

Also I have caber on hand if its recommended for certain dosages.


It looks to me like you have a nice/ proven to get results cycle planned bro. Keep us posted on how its working for you. If you need abything let me kmow.
Does anyone know what a person Test Levels should be at with 50mg Test Prop, 50mg Tren Ace and Masteron Prop daily?

Thanks AK, appreciate everything.
When's the best time to get a blood test done after starting test prop and how long after or before pinning should you get it done?
Started running Tren Ace, Master Prop, Test Prop & NPP each at 50mg a day along with Proviron at 50mg a day.

Considering if I want to hold off on running Caber @ .50mg 2x a week or if I should start running it now.

I'm not running arimadex at the moment but have it on hand.

Maybe I should do the arimadex at 0.25mg 3x a week.

Would y'all recommend running Caber for the above cycle. Plan to get blood work done in 10 days once I'm good and well into my cycle.
Everyone is different bro , for instance I can run 19nors without a problem but with test I need to run an AI no matter what for the most part.

Best way to tell is by bloods, with 350 mg of test a week I would still run Aromasin at 12.5 a day personally. Sorry I cannot help on the Adex part I don't use it.

I would run the AI bro, the Caber not unless needed honestly.
Ask to see what your prolactin levels are when you get blood work. That way you will know for sure if you need caber. I have it on hand at all times but only really use it at 600 - 800mg tren. I can tell i need it when my cock gets lazy and my nipples flare up

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