Next Cycle?


NextGen Freak

Day 1 - 42 Anadrol 50mg/day

1-16 Test E 500mg/week
1-16 Bold Cyp 400mg/week
1-16 Test P, Mast, Tren Mix 100mg/day

*Letro, Nolva, Adex on hand

14 days after last inject
Week 1 Nolva 40mg/day
Week 2-4 Nolva 20mg/day
That's massive bro. On your cut mix, is it 100mg per compound or your just doing a total of 100mg of the blend? I got some 100/75/75 so at 1/2cc it would be a total of 125mg hormone. That's why I'm asking.

Love the bold cyp.
RockShawn said:
That's massive bro. On your cut mix, is it 100mg per compound or your just doing a total of 100mg of the blend? I got some 100/75/75 so at 1/2cc it would be a total of 125mg hormone. That's why I'm asking.

Love the bold cyp.
My Mix is 100mg of each per 1ml. I just finished up a test 600/deca 400 into the test 600/mix EOD and then into ED because I don't get the best sleep anyway so my sides were low.

I wanted to run the mix again, hit adrol for the first time, and EQ cus it's a mid length cycle and I was looking for a more vascular look. Heavy Hitter recommended the cyp over the undecylenate though because I react better with the short esters.
Gotta tell ya....not overly excited about this cycle. I get the'll boost the hunger and get some calories in there, since the Tren is gonna try and stifle your appetite. But, I don't get the Test E. Also, wondering if you have ever ran Tren that long. It's pretty harsh on the liver, especially at 700mg a week. And Especially using it in conjuction with Drol...which you also seem to be running for a long time for your first time.
TSizemore said:
Gotta tell ya....not overly excited about this cycle. I get the'll boost the hunger and get some calories in there, since the Tren is gonna try and stifle your appetite. But, I don't get the Test E. Also, wondering if you have ever ran Tren that long. It's pretty harsh on the liver, especially at 700mg a week. And Especially using it in conjuction with Drol...which you also seem to be running for a long time for your first time.
I just got done running that specific mix of tren, test p, at that dose for 12 weeks and didnt get any sides.

People always run test/eq, test/tren, or test with a test p kick so that is the reason I am using test as my base. For the drol I have used dbol and sdrol at extremely high dosages for extended periods of time and have never experienced sides and always run liver control. I have an unlimited access to liver protection, blood pressure control, cholesterol reducing, etc supplements as I manage a store and don't pay for my supplements.

With the high dosages and what I'm running the only thing I'm concerned about is blood pressure. Which is why I will only be running 10mg of cialis pre-workout, limiting my nitric oxide supplements until I can see how the conjunction of everything will work with my body, adding cardio for 30 minutes every day, and eliminating caffeine from my diet.
so cialis will lower BP? Mine has been way high lately. I'd love to get it down some and have cialis, just always thought it raised BP. Cialis is for prostate too right?
Cialis will lower BP.....Glad you have a pland NextGen.....thats the biggest part of the cycle! Unlimited Liver supps never hurt either!
RockShawn said:
so cialis will lower BP? Mine has been way high lately. I'd love to get it down some and have cialis, just always thought it raised BP. Cialis is for prostate too right?
Yup cialis will lower blood pressure. Typically the guys you see with ED are either overweight meaning the have clogged arteries due to bad diet or pulmonary issues in general. Cialis breaks that up, reducing blood pressure, by highly increasing blood flow (allowing the dick to work again).

You were most likely thinking of it in terms of how people use it for the pump and vascularity (another reason I'm using it), but to get a pump and vascularity you have to have a nice low BP. That is why you'll often see smaller guys who are active with outrageous's a combo of genetics, low bf %, and great cardiovascular health due to their physical activity and high metabolism.
Ok... Not wanting to high jack your thread, but my BP has always been what's considered high. Norm for me is like 132/78 type numbers. I'm on t3 and MTR right now which I think are the culprits and My BP is more like 140/85 so its pushed up. I've always been vascular, my calves and quads look like road maps, but pump is very hard for me to achieve especially un-enhanced. Are you saying cialis will increase my vascularity and help me achieve pump as well?
RockShawn said:
Ok... Not wanting to high jack your thread, but my BP has always been what's considered high. Norm for me is like 132/78 type numbers. I'm on t3 and MTR right now which I think are the culprits and My BP is more like 140/85 so its pushed up. I've always been vascular, my calves and quads look like road maps, but pump is very hard for me to achieve especially un-enhanced. Are you saying cialis will increase my vascularity and help me achieve pump as well?
You're good brother. T3 isn't going to necessarily play a huge role in your blood pressure per say, but I'm not saying that it's not the issue either! It's used to treat hypo and adrenal issues which I'm assuming you don't have considering the board we're on. In it's original use it rarely causes blood pressure or heart related issues....which I found out when I was looking at running a T3 Clen ECA stack (trying to make sure I'd be safe), but I never did find a definite answer on whether or not it could raise your blood pressure if using it for different uses than directed.

Cialis will for sure increase your vascularity, but it may not let you achieve a pump (sometimes that shit is just genetic). If you're having BP issues it could act as a quick fix, but nothing more.
Everyday pins aren't bad if u have 25g 5/8 pins. Go in chest upper/side/and lower

Look out for fag-ghost
I need to order pins anyways so ill order some that size, been using 25g 1", I also saw 27g 1/2"! Damn near slin size but you can swop tips so it's not dull

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