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Loved my last cycle but thinking about changing it up some. I'm on TRT so the test is a given, as it should be anyway. Those that know me this is repetitive, but info one should have if you don't know me and you want to weigh in.

* 50 years old, but still damn good looking
* Been training for over 30 years
* Owned multiple gyms & training centers
* I grow easy as hell. I can also drop weight easy as hell.
* Stay at 195 without much effort. Happiest at 205.
* Train 5 days a week, always.
* Diet is stellar, unless I feel like I can afford to throw in fun stuff. No biggie if I do. It doesn't effect me that much.

* 200mg Test C twice a week
* 150mg Mast twice a week
* 25mg oral dbol daily
* 1/2 tab Anastrozole daily

12 weeks. Grew like crazy. Hard as a rock. Vascular as a MF'er. No sides.

And yes 1/2 a tab of anastrozole daily seems like a lot, but that's what it takes to keep my estrogen levels from blasting through the roof.

Been off the Mast & Test for 2 months now and I'm looking to start a new cycle. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Ok that wasn't exactly what I wanted my post to look like, but you get the idea. (Never mind, I went back and cleaned it up. I hate leaving things done incorrectly. )
I LOVED TREN.... and then it kicked my ass three ways to wednesday. I was slammed with the worst anxiety I've ever felt and it took weeks to get over.
Run the ace then 🙂 get anxiety for only a few days when you get off. Haha
Tren E really fucks with my head and other bad sides. I have made the decision to stay away from that compound from now on. On the other hand, I had much better luck with the ace. I dose it between 50 and 75mg a day and had very few negative sides.
Well if you ran tren enan.. the reason it took so long to clear your system is because the long half life. Ace is much much quicker.. so when you start to feel your anxiety or negative sides you don't like, just hop off and in a few days you're good. You have to pin ed/eod for stable bloods though.

You'll notice the more often you pin, the more stable your hormones are.. which in return can help eliminate a lot of sides people tend to get from AAS.
That's kind of why I liked my run of test & mast every third day and oral d-bol ed. I didn't quite feel like such a pin cushion.
Thoughts on this cycle:

Week 1-10

Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk
Deca Durabolin 200mg 2/wk
Dbol 25mg/ed
Arimidex 0.5mg/eod

Week 11-16

Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk
Dbol 25mg/ed
Tren Ace 100mg/eod
Arimidex 0.5mg/eod

I could always combine the test and deca into one weekly shot at 500mg Test C and 400mg Deca. I don't see that as a big deal but maybe I'm missing something?
Changed my mind. I'm going to swap out EQ for Deca. I think it will run better with dbol.
Go with the Eq, I personally like it better than Deca. 350mg per week is a good number for you. You can always add more if you feel you can take (with lack of sides, of course) I'd really love to see you get off that Cyp crap, but...since it comes from the Doc, have at it. Same thing with the Arimidex, at least you know you're getting quality. I'd prefer Aromasin eod over Arimidex anyday.
This looks like a solid blast...but I wouldn't expect any less from you. Unless it involved rattle snake venom and cyanide with a side of A-Bomb
TSizemore said:
Go with the Eq, I personally like it better than Deca. 350mg per week is a good number for you. You can always add more if you feel you can take (with lack of sides, of course) I'd really love to see you get off that Cyp crap, but...since it comes from the Doc, have at it. Same thing with the Arimidex, at least you know you're getting quality. I'd prefer Aromasin eod over Arimidex anyday.
This looks like a solid blast...but I wouldn't expect any less from you. Unless it involved rattle snake venom and cyanide with a side of A-Bomb
Thanks brother. It's hard to turn my back on Test-c when it's $3 a bottle, and Arimidex when it's $7 a bottle. I'm trying to get them to prescribe Aromasin, and I'll check with my insurance company and pharmacist to see if it's possible. I've found that if I do all the homework for them then there's a better chance of making it happen.

I'm holding off on the snake venom and cyanide cycle until summer. That's when I go big!!!

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