Not 405,...



.... but im happy with my progress. Pulled 355 for three, and 365 for one today. Super excited and proud of my old ass for yanking it up.

I love this sport, you can celebrate a win at any point in time. Sometimes these little victories just pop up outta nowhere.
hell yeah, any gain is great, be it recovering from an injury, a new weight pr, reps, or hell you name it!

gratz 😉
Keep it up seems like 405 comes quick after you get close to it. Good job!
Thanx Brothers! Im pretty happy about it. Celebrated with two heapin plates of penne with Sweety's homemade sauce. Twas amazing! My forearms were miserable making all the sausage, but it was hella good tonight!
355 for three, Ay. turn.....may have to just put a wager on this, Cam 😉
Good job you certainly deserve a pat on the back despite not quite getting what you wanted. You'll get there soon enough brother so keep at it!
I was letting numbers really stand in the way of my progress until I started to work with HG. Although I really had to swallow my pride it is working out much better.. patience and hard work and the numbers will come..

I had a buddy of mine who is a little stock strong bastard workout with me today.. He did everything as I did and was really impressed at the difference in how the muscles are hit and the pump that you accomplish with this workout.. Even though like me the weight number was small the workout wa much harder to accomplish.. about 3/4 of the way through the workout he was DONE lol..

But good lifts cam doing good shit man.. Keep at it..

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