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By: Matt Weik
How many of you are busting your tails in the gym, drinking your post-workout protein shakes, yet it still seems like your fitness goals are out of reach? Do you leave the gym dripping sweat yet the results just aren't showing from your hard work? Your sleep (or lack thereof) could be the limiting factor and holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.
Your Body Needs Sleep
I get it, you’re busy. We all are. Yet, working off of minimal sleep is doing yourself a disservice. While you might think you’re fine, your body is telling you otherwise. You might be able to fight through what your body is telling you with the help of coffee and energy drinks, but numbers and results never lie.
You’re cutting yourself short if you aren’t getting enough deep, good quality sleep each night. I’m talking about 7-9 hours of it. You might be chuckling that you get that in a total of a few nights, but no one’s laughing about your lack of reaching your fitness goals. Right?
When you exercise, you are taxing and putting stress on your body. The only way to properly fix this is through rest and recovery. Your body makes changes outside of the gym. So, while you are putting in the time and effort in the gym, all the processes of your body are working in the background after you leave to help you achieve your fitness goals. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still exercise with intensity, it simply means you need to be more conscious of your sleep to allow your body the proper time to recover from the stress of the day along with your grueling workout.
How to Get Better Sleep
Some people mention that they aren’t able to get a good night’s sleep. That can be due to many factors. Some of the most common reasons you might not be getting a good night’s sleep are mentioned below along with how to fix them. For the most part, they are very easy fixes and if you’re able to implement the strategies and get better sleep it can absolutely help you with achieving your fitness goals.
One way to help better manage stress is to find out what helps you free your mind. Before bed, consider sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed and simply focus on your breathing. You could even do some meditation or yoga as well.
Another way to reduce stress is to use something like MPA CortiSolve. There are many things that CortiSolve can help you with. Some of them include lowering cortisol levels as well as helping you better manage both mental and physical stress. Check it out as a possible solution to your sleep issues.
If surpassing your fitness goals is a priority of yours, getting enough sleep needs to be too. Implement some of the strategies found above and you will be on your way to a better night’s sleep which can help you with achieving your fitness goals.
How many of you are busting your tails in the gym, drinking your post-workout protein shakes, yet it still seems like your fitness goals are out of reach? Do you leave the gym dripping sweat yet the results just aren't showing from your hard work? Your sleep (or lack thereof) could be the limiting factor and holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.
Your Body Needs Sleep
I get it, you’re busy. We all are. Yet, working off of minimal sleep is doing yourself a disservice. While you might think you’re fine, your body is telling you otherwise. You might be able to fight through what your body is telling you with the help of coffee and energy drinks, but numbers and results never lie.
You’re cutting yourself short if you aren’t getting enough deep, good quality sleep each night. I’m talking about 7-9 hours of it. You might be chuckling that you get that in a total of a few nights, but no one’s laughing about your lack of reaching your fitness goals. Right?
When you exercise, you are taxing and putting stress on your body. The only way to properly fix this is through rest and recovery. Your body makes changes outside of the gym. So, while you are putting in the time and effort in the gym, all the processes of your body are working in the background after you leave to help you achieve your fitness goals. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still exercise with intensity, it simply means you need to be more conscious of your sleep to allow your body the proper time to recover from the stress of the day along with your grueling workout.
How to Get Better Sleep
Some people mention that they aren’t able to get a good night’s sleep. That can be due to many factors. Some of the most common reasons you might not be getting a good night’s sleep are mentioned below along with how to fix them. For the most part, they are very easy fixes and if you’re able to implement the strategies and get better sleep it can absolutely help you with achieving your fitness goals.
- Turn off the technology
- Turn down the temperature
- Darken the room
- Eliminate noise
- Set an alarm to go to bed
- Reduce Stress
One way to help better manage stress is to find out what helps you free your mind. Before bed, consider sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed and simply focus on your breathing. You could even do some meditation or yoga as well.
Another way to reduce stress is to use something like MPA CortiSolve. There are many things that CortiSolve can help you with. Some of them include lowering cortisol levels as well as helping you better manage both mental and physical stress. Check it out as a possible solution to your sleep issues.
If surpassing your fitness goals is a priority of yours, getting enough sleep needs to be too. Implement some of the strategies found above and you will be on your way to a better night’s sleep which can help you with achieving your fitness goals.