Npp and tren a?


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I dont really suffer from gyno but i have caber and aromosin on hand. Anyone had serious issues running these together?
Appreciate the input guys. I've never ran any form of the 2 compounds together but I'm about to throw a nice bulker together
I guess I would ask why would you run the two together? Nandrolone and tren are both 19nors, I would start with NPP and finish with the stronger tren a if you feel you peaked on the NPP.
I've seen mixed reviews and had enough on hand to try. Including caber and aramosin. I was just curious if anyone has used them together? I'll prob do npp first and tren at the end
I love those 2 compounds and Ive never run into an issue with it but thats just me .
NPP wrecks my dick. tren makes me a walking hard on. Maybe I should try both at once haha
I ran a 4 way mix with tren a npp test p and mast p the end of 2016 into 17. 1st time doing this but worked out very well. Was able to cut keep strength up with minimal to zero joint pain. To me this was one of the best mixes I have used. No bad sides used min aromasin for ai and GW so cardio stayed good despite tren. As part of a mix npp seemed to have good synergy for my purpose. Not sure if I would find benefit with just tren and npp without one or 2 other compounds.
It would be tren, npp, prop, tbol.
I'll also continue my test e and deca throughout it all.
I'm about to set up my cycle and I'll post it up
So i was off 3 months and hated it lol. Just started a little test e and deca to help get it in my system. I'm gonna start my cycle at the beginning of next week . Any input is welcomed.

Weeks 1-3
50mg prop
100mg tren a
200mg npp
50mg tbol every day

Tues, thurs
300mg test e
300mg deca

I plan on running this protocol for 15 weeks then the last 5 weeks running

50mg Test p eod
200mg npp eod
100mg tren a eod
50mg var ed

Caber and aromosin on hand. Need to get some proviron and hcg to add in .I have one 10000iu hcg but that's nowhere near enough with all that deca.

So.... Let me hear some opinions or tweaks you would make

Here's my stash
2 prop
4 test e
3 tren a
2 deca
2 npp 200
50 x 50mg anavar
Only suggestion I would give is caber x10000! You already have it. Ran a stack similar to this and loved it!
I ran test P, tren ace, NPP 100mg each every other day for 8 weeks.

Was like a full body transformation! Freaking amazing! I burn so much fat but gained muscle and drew up really tight. But trust me when I tell you that you want caber above all!!

Sucks being horny as hell with tits in your face with a limp noodle even 150mg of viagra won’t help lol
Started this today .Once i get doses figured out ill give you guys more info. Gonna be alot of deca and test though. I need it lol

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