npp verus deca



just wondering some experiances with npp versus nanadrone deconate (deca duroblin).which one do you like better?why?
They both do about the same thing.. NPP is fast acting while "normal" Deca takes a bit to notice. Deca will make you hold a bit of water if your diet is exactly the cleanest and I have yet to experience that with NPP. Deca did show a bit more comfortable feeling on joints and tendons than NPP but the results were still there. I like both compounds equally but generally opt for the NPP when its available. They will both aid in weight gain and have yet to have a bad experience.
I concur...water retention is quite a bit less on NPP, though you still feel some relief in the joints. Npp is quick acting and sides are slight. No Deca Dick on Npp....but that might not be the case if you up to a higher than usual dose. Personally, I prefer Npp over Deca
Anonymous said:
100npp 100testp ed should work good?
This is exactly what I just finished. But I had to stop npp after 5 weeks due to blood pressure getting out of hand
what is the lest amount of injections weekly can someone go with NPP? would 3x a week be too few?

Im curious about Deca but like the whole idea of NPP better, ie less bloat/sides in general. but dont like the idea of eod injections, since im still fairly new.

like a Sunday, Tues, Fri schedule
Anonymous said:
what is the lest amount of injections weekly can someone go with NPP? would 3x a week be too few?

Im curious about Deca but like the whole idea of NPP better, ie less bloat/sides in general. but dont like the idea of eod injections, since im still fairly new.

like a Sunday, Tues, Fri schedule
AnonymousM/w/f works fantastic with npp. The half life is fairly long, between prop and enanthate, with 3x a week honestly it allows for the highest peak concentrations and still is in your system by next injection. And yes ive done it this way.
Actually, PhenylPropionate ester has the same half life as Propionate ester. You should pin NPP eod.
It's science my friend. You should always pin at half life peak, any gear. Half life for PP ester, as stated, is 4 days, peak is therefore eod.
Ill be starting prop, npp and eq, eo day, excited like a boy before xmas
I actually pin my npp only twice a week since it's half life is 3 days and has always worked just fine for me. Can argue it if you want, but works great for me.
I'm not arguing anything, I'm stating scientific fact backed up by years of sloid clinical research. The half life of Phenyl Propionate is the same as Propionate .PP is used when higher mg's/ml are desired, like TPP200.

Dude, seriously, I can state for you here every half life of ester known, it's soooo easy to find. You're confused because PP ester (just likeP), is actually 3.75 days, yeah it's truly measurd in hours. When pinning one should shoot for peak of half life, not so many days/week.3.75 days is rounded up to 4 because it is acceptable, hence EOD for PP and P.Sheesh.
Phenylpropinate is a larger ester than just propionate. How else do you explained that prop is 80% testosterone and PP is 76% testosterone. Not a huge difference but it is not exactly the same as was stated.
Ok, I just clicked the thread and didn't notice forum. So how is Ajordana visible ? Is that a setting I can change?

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