NPP vs Deca. What's the diff?


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I fully understand that nandrolone is the hormone in both products, but it seems side effects and intramuscular activity are different between the two compounds. For me, Deca makes me bloat and feel like I'm retaining water all of the time. NPP on the other hand does not while I do gain strength and what I perceive as muscle hardness.

Is there a physiological difference in taking these two compounds? Is there a chemical difference in the two compounds?
RockShawn said:
I fully understand that nandrolone is the hormone in both products, but it seems side effects and intramuscular activity are different between the two compounds. For me, Deca makes me bloat and feel like I'm retaining water all of the time. NPP on the other hand does not while I do gain strength and what I perceive as muscle hardness.

Is there a physiological difference in taking these two compounds? Is there a chemical difference in the two compounds?
RockShawnIt's a chemical difference.....there are two distinctly different esters attached to the Nandralone, which effect the way and speed the Nandralone is up-regulated.
TSizemore said:
It's a chemical difference.....there are two distinctly different esters attached to the Nandralone, which effect the way and speed the Nandralone is up-regulated.
TSizemoreAnd I understand that. But does it chemically change the way the compound affects the body in each version.? And if this is true for nandrolone, is it also true for any other hormone?
I just found that NPP gives me a fast up in weight and strength , but as far as it being compared to Deca , Deca gives me better size, more strength, better for my joints and for me it really doesn't make me bloat like some!!!
I would prefer starting w NPP and goin to Deca ! Some people here don't seem to like Deca , but it does good for me . Just my .02 !!! I know it had no answer for u Rocko !!!
This seems to vary alot between individuals. I seem to get a little more out of regular deca. But I like NPP alot. Some people LOVE deca. I think you just have to try them both and see what works best for your desired outcome. I think there is alot of hype out there for NPP because its a new compound compared to Deca which has been around forever. My personal choice is 1cc deca and 3ccNPP a week. Im looking forward to erics Tpp/Npp combo. How about a nandrlone sustanon type deal where you have fast medium and slow in one cc. 25mg Nno ester, 75NPP and 200Deca.
Ill see if I can get this article from Hijacked I read it along time ago dont know how true it is. But I think supposedly a doctor or someone in the medical field wrote it. It talks about how npo is a healthier choice than deca I forgot what it said but it was interesting and kind of made sense.
Can't really give an educated opinion at this point. I ran deca with success and loved it. I ran NPP with the last cycle that went all wrong(too much of compounds and horrible diet) so I'm not sold yet. I will say in the beginning I was getting more tren like effects of NPP, vascular, leaner, and strength but then all went to shit so Im not sure if Ill run it again
RockShawn said:
I fully understand that nandrolone is the hormone in both products, but it seems side effects and intramuscular activity are different between the two compounds. For me, Deca makes me bloat and feel like I'm retaining water all of the time. NPP on the other hand does not while I do gain strength and what I perceive as muscle hardness.

Is there a physiological difference in taking these two compounds? Is there a chemical difference in the two compounds?
Rock this is a great question! One that I have asked a few times about the differance in tren a and e...same compound differant ester but once the ester is cleaved off is is not the same chemicial? This summary is what I have found after much reading....Esters work in a well-understood and predictable manner, and do not alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way other than to delay its release.

"Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be weeks with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing. Testosterone enanthate causes estrogen related problems more readily than Sustanon, simply because with enanthate testosterone levels will peak and trough much sooner (1-2 week release duration as opposed to 3 or 4). Likewise testosterone suspension is the worst in regards to gyno and water bloat because blood hormone levels peak so quickly with this drug. Instead of waiting weeks for testosterone levels to rise to their highest point, here we are at most looking at a couple of days. Given an equal blood level of testosterone, there would be no difference in the rate of aromatization or DHT conversion between different esters. There is simply no mechanism for this to be possible.

There is however one way that we can say an ester does technically effect potency; it is calculated in the steroid weight. The heavier the ester chain, the greater is its percentage of the total weight.

Can anyone provide information that the checmical structure of the steriod is actually changed?
Hormone is the same just the ester attached is different which will affect the time the hormone stays active in your body. The longer the hormone stays in the body the more you will see the sides associated with that hormone. If it is in and out in a few days you have less time to notice the sides than if it was in and out in a few weeks.
Wacker said:
Rock this is a great question! One that I have asked a few times about the differance in tren a and e...same compound differant ester but once the ester is cleaved off is is not the same chemicial? This summary is what I have found after much reading....Esters work in a well-understood and predictable manner, and do not alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way other than to delay its release.

"Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be weeks with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing. Testosterone enanthate causes estrogen related problems more readily than Sustanon, simply because with enanthate testosterone levels will peak and trough much sooner (1-2 week release duration as opposed to 3 or 4). Likewise testosterone suspension is the worst in regards to gyno and water bloat because blood hormone levels peak so quickly with this drug. Instead of waiting weeks for testosterone levels to rise to their highest point, here we are at most looking at a couple of days. Given an equal blood level of testosterone, there would be no difference in the rate of aromatization or DHT conversion between different esters. There is simply no mechanism for this to be possible.

There is however one way that we can say an ester does technically effect potency; it is calculated in the steroid weight. The heavier the ester chain, the greater is its percentage of the total weight.

Can anyone provide information that the checmical structure of the steriod is actually changed?
WackerThe chemical structure does not change. Only the available amount of the parent steroid. I don't know what the weights are for Deca and Phenyl-Prop, but for Prop it is significantly less than, say, Cypionate. Now, don't a bunch of you guys jump on me and say it isn't significant.....when you're talking about conversion to ng/dl, it does become significant.
DGAF said:
Hormone is the same just the ester attached is different which will affect the time the hormone stays active in your body. The longer the hormone stays in the body the more you will see the sides associated with that hormone. If it is in and out in a few days you have less time to notice the sides than if it was in and out in a few weeks.
DGAFRight, I'd buy that if we were talking one shot period, but I'm talking regular injections on a weekly basis.

I like that info Wacker. That helps explain quite a bit actually. Interesting on the sustanon too. Maybe cb1 is on to something with the sust blend nandrolone.

So the consensus is that the different estrified versions of the same hormones do affect sides and intramuscular activity. I remember a chart that was posted on the two compounds that showed deca didn't really peak much at all on initial inject and actually tapered off almost as fast as npp.

I am asking this in relation to other hormones as well. I'm seeing a huge difference in tren e versus tren a in how my body is reacting to it.
Its makes no sense at all sense since the only only difference is the half life's, but I bloat like crazy on deca. In fact I bloat on deca more then any other aas. I won't touch anymore esp having bp issues.
TSizemore said:
The chemical structure does not change. Only the available amount of the parent steroid. I don't know what the weights are for Deca and Phenyl-Prop, but for Prop it is significantly less than, say, Cypionate. Now, don't a bunch of you guys jump on me and say it isn't significant.....when you're talking about conversion to ng/dl, it does become significant.
T this is what I found on the differance in weights but this to me only means that to pin the same amount of MG when using a long ester I would need to increase the dose to get the same amount as pining a base "no ester".

Nandrolone Base: 100mg
Nandrolone Cypionate: 69mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 63mg
Nandrolone Decanoate: 62mg
Nandrolone Undecylenate: 60mg
Nandrolone Laurate: 56mg
I see this so much on different boards that i just want to make a very blanket statement regarding these two compounds. I will be very honest. IMHO There is absolutely no reason why anyone should choose Deca over NPP minus if you are just afraid of injections. None, zero zip.

Obviously they are both nandrolone compounds, however, Deca has some major issues that NPP does not have. Many studies have shown that nandrolone over all when used for long periods is not so great health wise. Nandrolone is very anabolic and for whatever reason has a very well known affect of causing cardiomegally. This is something you dont want and it is pretty much irreversible. When the heart muscle grows way too much one may think that is great and makes it a strong pumping machine but it is actually the opposite. The cardiac muscle is not skeletal muscle and is a different type of muscle tissue. And when they grow with anabolics they dont develop properly and will cause a heart that actually doesnt pump well at all and is in a sense out of sync. The longer the body is exposed to nandrolone the greater chance of cardiomegally.

The problem is that Deca is so damn long acting that it needs to be taken for at least 12-15 weeks to make it worth while. The problem is that if you are on a 12 week cycle even the first 4-6 weeks you dont even see much because it is still stabilizing. Then you have really good levels from weeks 6-12 and then you stop. Well that nandrolone is still floating around and the cardiac muscle responds a lot quicker to anabolics that skeletal muscle. So even though you only really have had a net effect of 6 weeks of having high enough blood levels to reach skeletal muscle effectiveness your heart has been exposed to nandrolone since day 1. Then it will take another 6-8 weeks for it to leave the body in a good amount. Traces of deca are still found in your serum even sometimes up to a 8months to a year after coming off a high dose. That is just way too much nandrolone.

The beauty of NPP is that it is much much faster acting. It should be taken three times weekly and hits you very quick. This way you can run a 6-8 week cycle and when you are done it is out of your system in 2 weeks vs months. So overall your net skeletal muscle exposure to high levels have been the same as deca and even longer but you are reducing the possibility of cardiomegally.

The other aspect is that NPP and this is because of the ester itself and has nothing to do with nandrolone has much much less water bloat than Deca does. So that is another major reason to choose NPP over Deca. I hope what i have said makes sense medically and physiologically. Feel free to ask questions.
DGAF said:
Hormone is the same just the ester attached is different which will affect the time the hormone stays active in your body. The longer the hormone stays in the body the more you will see the sides associated with that hormone. If it is in and out in a few days you have less time to notice the sides than if it was in and out in a few weeks.
DGAF if you pin the same amount of NPP or DECA both for say 15 wks I think the question is why do guys get two differant sets of sides or results?
RockShawn said:
9er. Hella post! Hopefully the source w is credible. Lol.
RockShawnYa bro I dont know if its facts you never know now a days but hijacked is knowledgeable and alot of his friends too. Just food for thought lol

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