Npp VS deca


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
What’s your thoughts on both and do you like using one more then the other? Iv done deca when I was younger but never npp, I heard it’s pretty good even while cutting but like I said I never used it before
Couldn’t agree more I always tell people it’s like trens little brother great results fewer sides.
Haven’t tried NPP! You are halfnatty! I agree with all that’s posted above. I get less bloat and keeps me full if calories are low and I eat less. And yeah I would call it Trens little bro. But as you know we all react different. Give it a shot!
Never tried Deca because of the long ester half-life. If something went bad it'd take 2 weeks to chill. NPP is the shorter ester which to me seemed safer. NPP has always blown up my traps/delts like cannon balls (overall body too). Depending on diet you can cut or lean bulk, love this stuff with tpp together as a blend. Highly recommend Npp
What is a good dosage for someone new to it and how many time a week should pin it?
Definitely agree on it now 100mg EOD, with my trt strengths definitely there and leaning out and not keeping a close eye on diet. And no bloat!!!
I'm alittle higher dosage than that, but have experience with it. If it's halfnatty's first Npp cycle he definitely shouldn't do 100mg EOD lol
npp def better, less bloat, as eman said tren like gains
Definitely thanks guys when the time comes I’ll definitely do npp eod at 50 for a few weeks then bump it to 100 eod and do you think I’ll need caber or anything?
Im with Grim and Wacker NPP is pretty safe and you ll need that to see the results! It really goes nice with TPP or TP very low to zero water with NPP kicks in fast.
@Wacker @GRIM I always air on the conservative side when trying something new and not sure how my body will react, then bump if my body is feeling right. I'll add on a few weeks in the beginning of a planned cycle so if I'm starting low I can find the sweet spot (feeling and knowing sides good or bad helps me with this). Everyone's body can react differently to compounds, so unless you have done a tren cycle and know how your body handles nandrolone - I'd air on side of caution
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Depends how your body handles cycles. I'd use an AI if you already need one on a regular test cycle. If your nipples get tingly (and prone to gyno) even on high test cycles then you most likely will be sensitive to nandrolone. When I needed an AI, Exemestane was my favorite. Like the other Bros said - npp is dry, so an AI would help with BP, estro (reduction of converting test to estro) him the other hand it could dry you out sometimes like Winny can on joints etc. I'm sure you know the body needs a certain level of estrogen for various things to be/feel healthy and build muscle. For me balancing estrogen is a pain but the best thing is to listen to your body.. My 2 cents man.
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Hands Down 2 of my Favorite compounds !!!
I love the NPP to kick start things and then transition over to Deca.
But atm I’m actually using both !!!
Great combo, IMO

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