Obama’s new policy registration may very well have ended all non-GMO agriculture


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Obama’s new policy registration may very well have ended all non-GMO agriculture
Written By: Jude Henry January 4, 2017

President Obama’s pen has stayed so busy signing executive orders (EO) that it’s surprising it hasn’t yet run dry, and as his days in the Oval Office wind down, he has added another one to his lengthy list of such orders. The recent “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats” EO is particularly significant in that it may have put a halt to all non-GMO agriculture in the United States.

Key points of the EO

Section 1 of the EO includes some disturbing points:

“As articulated in the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats and implemented in Presidential Policy Directive 2 (PPD-2), promoting global health security is a core tenet of our national strategy for countering biological threats. No single nation can be prepared if other nations remain unprepared to counter biological threats; therefore, it is the policy of the United States to advance the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which is a multi-faceted, multi-country initiative intended to accelerate partner countries’ measurable capabilities to achieve specific targets to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats (GHSA targets), whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental.” [Emphasis added]
Coordinated effort with military backup

Section 2 of the EO states that the “Council” will include personnel from a multitude of federal government agencies, including the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Department of Defense (DOD) may “facilitate implementation and coordination of Department of Defense programs to further the GHSA, as well as provide technical expertise to measure and evaluate progress in countries the United States has made a commitment to assist.” In other words, the military will enforce this EO if deemed necessary.
Connection to GMOs

How does this tie in with GMOs? The government claims that farm animals are supposedly infected (but typically are not) and must be slaughtered to make way for their “vastly upgraded” counterparts, which are genetically engineered and thus patented and owned by global organizations. The public receives a fear-based agenda riddled with hysteria over disease threats, and they respond to that by willingly going along with the GMO agenda. It’s a convenient agenda for the powers that be, as it allows them to maintain tight control of the food supply while attempting to obliterate small and organic farms.
Unrealistic aims and better alternatives

The EO is titled “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats,” but achieving a world like that is unrealistic. Infectious disease threats have always existed on this planet. The title implies a fear of infections, which is portrayed in the popular music video Vaccine Zombie by Mike Adams. As the lyrics say, “I’m afraid of invisible germs … .” Rather than promoting GMOs and toxic initiatives to address infectious disease concerns, a more effective approach involves educating people to lead healthy lifestyles through nutrition and other immune system-fortifying natural strategies.
Action steps

Don’t be fooled by the impressive- and altruistic-sounding title of this EO. Spread the word about GMO dangers by working to inform family and friends through intelligent conversations and the sharing of relevant online content. We can take back our food supply and end the danger of GMOs for ourselves and future generations. Stay tuned as the GMO issue continues to unfold, and be grateful that Obama’s days of signing his name to oppressive executive orders are rapidly winding down as the January inauguration approaches.




like him or hate him obama was actually low on executive orders
personally i feel they should not exist
grim date=1489193801 said:
like him or hate him obama was actually low on executive orders
personally i feel they should not exist
grim date=1489193801WHAT??!!??!!?? Every executive order he signed was against American's best interests!! This piece of shit did nothing to help America but did everything to support the scumbag muslim criminals and fags!!
Obama is a fuck tard, wasting millions on sending money to our threat country's while Hilary sold Nukes to Russia and now they want to blame it on Trump.

Funny we don't deal with terrorist ... Obama did.

He fucked this country up BAD! So glad he is gone. GOing to take a while to fix but it's over.
F.I.S.T. said:
WHAT??!!??!!?? Every executive order he signed was against American's best interests!! This piece of shit did nothing to help America but did everything to support the scumbag muslim criminals and fags!!
Thats BS I hated Obama however this is false as is he being record holder eo's vacation etc
Mick date=1489195033 said:
Obama is a fuck tard, wasting millions on sending money to our threat country's while Hilary sold Nukes to Russia and now they want to blame it on Trump.

Funny we don't deal with terrorist ... Obama did.

He fucked this country up BAD! So glad he is gone. GOing to take a while to fix but it's over.
Mick date=1489195033You're absolutely right.We've never been more divided,we've never been so screwed up with what's wrong to say but it's ok for these corrupt losers to steal from us all!!

Good riddance piece of shit!!!
The shit never changes....
We are even more divided now

for a list with each eo
dont like wiki there are others

Obama was spineless IMO when it came to the right
grim date=1489195076 said:
Thats BS I hated Obama however this is false as is he being record holder eo's vacation etc
grim date=1489195076I don't give a rats ass how many EO's he signed.I care that they ALL were bullshit ones to hut us!!!
He forced more bullshit down American's throats that we didnt want like bruce jenner being allowed to use the same bathroom as my daughter,LE being brutalized for roughing up scumbag criminals.He took God out of schools and our culture to replace it with the satantic cult muslim bullshit!!
Fuck him and all his bullshit that Trump will now reverse and has been!!
Correct I am an athiest but the fucker took shit out of our schools because of some damn kid or woman that whore a hoodie over her head. Complete bullshit.

All these refugees get houses and medical and jobs and paid to live. I work my fucking ass off and still get taxed to pay for these Illegals thanks to Obama and sorry ass sanctuary cities and states.

Pledge of Alligence needs to be said, hand over heart while standing. If it hurts an illegals feeling they can move back home and be married at 5 years old to a 55 year man that's about to Die... It's fucking sick.
Read the list
he also did not take the pledge out

the pledge also ADDED under god it wasnt original...

Seriously not going to debate on EG but please know your facts and i HATE Obama and the Clintons
He made it happen man. I would lock all threads pertaining to Religion and Politics honestly 😉
Mick said:
He made it happen man. I would lock all threads pertaining to Religion and Politics honestly 😉
No he didnt the pledge is still said, students are not FORCED which they shouldn't be

Same bs fake news places claiming same of Trump
grim date=1489196439 said:

Same bs fake news places claiming same of Trump
grim date=1489196439No Obama made it ok. Dude I'm not going to argue with ya I am over that... I said what I said and I mean it. I'm done bro, fuck it. Not worth an argument honestly.
Time to smoke a bowl and forget about this thread 😉
Not being FORCED I actually agree with
Banning No I do not and its not banned

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