okay bros what gear would be safe and harmless to the liver and kidneys


fuck diet tren hard bitch
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I know test is pretty safe long as you ain't shooting like 4 grams lol but I also was reading up on t bol witch seems pretty safe. So what you guys think? Ps I'm out for 2 months so this gives me a good time to research and get help 🙂
i'm pretty sure all would be a least a slight stressor to the kidneys... heard that the act of building muscle is some what of a stress on them and all steroids enhance building muscle.

the post i read quoted an article saying the weren't sure after the study if steroids them selves cause kidney damage and stress or the fact that muscle was being built at a high rate, etc...
heres the thread

Krustus is right !!! I believe all Anabolics put stress on the kidneys and liver of course in one way or another . I could be wrong but I have never read anything on the contrary. But hey , there very well could be .
I would use this time to eat good, workout, take supplements if u have to in moderation and rest. Get ur body back to full throttle and when ur ready to go back to Anabolics , have the right cleansers and detoxifier's so that ur run can go as smooth as possible .
Always have those on hand , it's worth ur organs !!!
I would use this time to eat good, workout, take supplements if u have to in moderation and rest. Get ur body back to full throttle

excellent advice!!! it's your health and your life don't put yourself at risk ...especially right now... a year or more off juice would probably be good (i'm no doc..so don't really know) a lot of bodybuilders suffer kidney problems and heart issues, don't be too eager to put that stress back on your kidneys.

i'm not positive but it's my understanding that kidney damage is hard to reverse if not impossible, but maybe you can avoid any more damage.

good luck brother... i hope the best for you
All steroids are stressful on the Organs.......Protein is actually the worst on the Kidneys then any other substance we use. Health is key, PERIOD!
Just started researching this as I didn't get a real good report back from the Dr. today. Was told that my kidney functions were off some and that I needed to cut out all extra protein for the time being. The reading I have done so far says that damage can be caused by steroid use but they (bodybuilders) also say the pain killers, diuretics etc caused the damage and steroids exaggerated the issue. Would love to see some more links if anyone has them.
Stay safe brother!!
TSizemore said:
All steroids are stressful on the Organs.......Protein is actually the worst on the Kidneys then any other substance we use. Health is key, PERIOD!
Tsize beat me to it! Protein and other supplements are worst on the kidneys than most steroids.
Keeping hydrated is critical and remember it also takes time for your kidneys to adapt to higher levels of water intake.
I've read many many posts on high protein diets is very harsh on kidneys but I've never seen it explained why... could someone shine a little light on the topic as to why kidneys would be harmed by high protein diets?
blasson said:
I've read many many posts on high protein diets is very harsh on kidneys but I've never seen it explained why... could someone shine a little light on the topic as to why kidneys would be harmed by high protein diets?
blasson This is actually part Bro Science. While the EXCESSIVE use of protein is harmful, especially animal protein, (Trust me guys I don't buy into this hype....I Love my Meat Protein) to the kidneys...it cause elevated creatinine levels and reduces the levels of the compound that prevents crystallization....that excessive use is extremely high for very long periods. There are quite a few studies that show normal protein usage has no adverse negative effects.
High protein diets are not harmful to healthy individuals. Elevated markers dont indicate stress but rather the kidneys being better at their job
But yes someone with kidney disease should not have a ultra high protein diet
morrey said:
But yes someone with kidney disease should not have a ultra high protein diet
......and that's the part right there that falls into the Bro Science. It's the Ultra High Protein intake that's the issue for individuals....but, somewhere along the way, someone read a study and then wrote an editorial on it in Mens Health or somewhere saying how bad it was and BOOM! Protein is the end all evil. (It actually, really is...but only in those Extremely Ultra high amounts)
Re: okay bros what gear would be safme and harmless to the liver and kidneys

My experience is that I ate 200-350 grams of protein for 14 years, and it cause me moderately severe kidney malfunction.
And it took several years of trail and error to correct these problems.

I don't have a particularly high rate of protein synthesis, so, IMHO, that contributes to a higher amount of protein waste which has to be processed and eliminated thru the liver, kidneys, and exit via the bladder and bowels.
The more protein consumed but not converted to muscle, just ends up as another waste product that the body has to filter out of the blood and eliminate from the body.

The first thing that I had to do was to drop my protein intake to 50grams/day. Any more than that and the body has to pull calcium out of the blood, body, organs and bones to try to try to balance your body's ph levels(because protein is acidic).
And this is a pretty easy amount of protein for the body to hand, for most people.

Also, I went vegetarian for a couple of months, including veg protein(RAW MEAL and RAW PROTEIN by Garden of Life on Amazon, helped me a lot. NO SOY PROTEIN, IT'S CRAP, and harder on your body)
This was a turning point for me in healing because it helps shift the body's ph to be alkaline which is much more beneficial to healing.
I was an idiot for not doing this much sooner.

Also, water purified with a quality home filter is a must, but not that bottled water crap, it's FULL of contaminates.
About 1 gallon a day for me now, but at first I had to decrease it some because it was working my kidney even more having to pee all the time, because I really cleaned everything up and actually needed less water that I was accustomed to drinking.

Do a great liver cleanse, I have an easy one that works great that I'll be glad to post up.
When your liver is full of crap and sluggish it can't do its job, and guess what else has to work HARDER.
Yep, your kidneys!!!

If you don't, your asking for more problems, because this makes the metabolic waste products back up in your blood and it has to be re-filtered by the liver and kidneys.

Anyway, I could go on and on, and if your want more info please pm me and I'll fill you in on what else I did.

My opinion is that very high protein consumption for long term, is going to come back and bite you, and I've found that most of that extra protein just simply is an unnecessary waste and potential hazard.

My norm now is about 100 grams per day, which is .5/body pound, less on non workout days usually.
As long as I'm training and sleeping adequately I don't seem to have any problems. 8)
Re: okay bros what gear would be safme and harmless to the liver and kidneys

zombieslayer said:
My experience is that I ate 200-350 grams of protein for 14 years, and it cause me moderately severe kidney malfunction.
And it took several years of trail and error to correct these problems.

I don't have a particularly high rate of protein synthesis, so, IMHO, that contributes to a higher amount of protein waste which has to be processed and eliminated thru the liver, kidneys, and exit via the bladder and bowels.
The more protein consumed but not converted to muscle, just ends up as another waste product that the body has to filter out of the blood and eliminate from the body.

The first thing that I had to do was to drop my protein intake to 50grams/day. Any more than that and the body has to pull calcium out of the blood, body, organs and bones to try to try to balance your body's ph levels(because protein is acidic).
And this is a pretty easy amount of protein for the body to hand, for most people.

Also, I went vegetarian for a couple of months, including veg protein(RAW MEAL and RAW PROTEIN by Garden of Life on Amazon, helped me a lot. NO SOY PROTEIN, IT'S CRAP, and harder on your body)
This was a turning point for me in healing because it helps shift the body's ph to be alkaline which is much more beneficial to healing.
I was an idiot for not doing this much sooner.

Also, water purified with a quality home filter is a must, but not that bottled water crap, it's FULL of contaminates.
About 1 gallon a day for me now, but at first I had to decrease it some because it was working my kidney even more having to pee all the time, because I really cleaned everything up and actually needed less water that I was accustomed to drinking.

Do a great liver cleanse, I have an easy one that works great that I'll be glad to post up.
When your liver is full of crap and sluggish it can't do its job, and guess what else has to work HARDER.
Yep, your kidneys!!!

If you don't, your asking for more problems, because this makes the metabolic waste products back up in your blood and it has to be re-filtered by the liver and kidneys.

Anyway, I could go on and on, and if your want more info please pm me and I'll fill you in on what else I did.

My opinion is that very high protein consumption for long term, is going to come back and bite you, and I've found that most of that extra protein just simply is an unnecessary waste and potential hazard.

My norm now is about 100 grams per day, which is .5/body pound, less on non workout days usually.
As long as I'm training and sleeping adequately I don't seem to have any problems. 8)
You could be the outlier that requires only minimal amounts of protein to grow

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