okay think i got my cut cycle down


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
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EG Cash
Super test 400 a week
Npp 300 a week Mon Wed Fri
T3 50 a month on 2 weeks off
Clen if needed 40 mcg up every 2 weeks

This will be a 10 week cycle then I'll get back on my trt witch is about 250 test a week and might toss in some var for 4 weeka. But first ima go get blood work done on my kidneys and see how they are doing
I would not run NPP so low...for a "cut" cycle, I'd run 300-400mg tren e if I were gonna run low dose. My .02 Oh... and fuck clen...that shit is evil.
yea me too, nadralone will only bulk you if calories are sufficient, its a great all around drug i like 600 and i weight 185ish most of the year.

if cutting is truly the goal the clen should definitely be part of plan. just did it and think it was worth it, maybe part mental but i cut 16 lbs and gained muscle
im cool with 400 test thats good and safe, low water retention assuming AI use

remember to do this. eat clean , no bull shit you know carrots from cookies and do the cardio, do it morning and night and mornings on weigh days. this will give you some slack in the diet. i cant say how important cardio is to cutting when you're not a perfect eater
I would definitely drop the npp, as has already been stated that's a bulker though with less water retention. Tren is good if you used it before and at that dosage. If just starting take it easy and see how you react to it.
I can't use tren not after what happen to my kidneys. I wanna take a break from the tren any way. So what eles can I do for a cut cycle instead of tren?
well forgetting its all about diet and focusing on drugs, test 400 a week is good, id use anavar 75 to 80 mg per day in three doses, is use clen starting at 40 mcg for two weeks and increase it by 20 mcg every two weeks till your at 10 weeks then off. id use t3/t4 daily for a month and then off for 2 weeks then back on , repeat. id add winstrol 50 mg per day for the last 6 weeks
Sounds great bro. Hope you get what your shooting for. Diet will help alot, an misterb hey dudes pretty yacked. No homo. Have him semd you a pic. Hes shredded. Hes one told me npp is badass. Might have check it out for myself
I meant mister b knows his shit. Dudes cut a fuck man. I mean u cant run tren only think i can think of is primo will help. Masteron you have to have a low body fat percentage. Clen sucks but it does work if u can handle it use it, an winny is a give you the night sweats an insomina like tren does. From my personal expireience. Everyones body is a react different. T 3 t 4. Are very good, just another one them drugs can u handle it. They mess with the thyroid. But bro u got some the best guys on here giving you info. Not kissing ass have mister b send you a pic. As far as getting cut, ive seen few as ripped as him. Like not being in a competition or anything, glad everyones coming together to help half natty. Thats what EG is for. Not bicker or have packages arrive months late lol. Seems were all coming together grim. Im sure your loving it
First of all. I don't care what gear you use....if you're diet isn't set up for cutting, you won't see the best results. You might see mediocre results, but not the best. 2nd, Gear doesn't actually cut....it hardens. Some harden with excess water as a side effect (bulkers), and others harden without water (cutters). 3rd, I love a Prop/Npp combo for cutting, but generally speaking...it should be ran on a 1:1 ratio for it.
4th, Clen/T3 are a must if you're serious about cutting. Dosage is up to you, but I can tell you 40mcg won't do the job. 5th, do not run Anavar for 4 weeks and then quit it....that would be a complete waste of money. Its a great compound, but doesn't actually start working until 4-6 weeks in. (I mean as far as you actually being able to start seeing any of the benefits).

Cardio is key, but only if you're a specific body type. If you're an Ectomorph, or Ecto/Meso....cardio is no good for you. If you're a Mesomorph or Endomorph then you'll need it, and it'll have to be consistent...

Lots more thoughts here, but to much to type out on phone...but, there's lots of good advice in this thread from guys who know the how's and why's. 😉
Yea brother drop npp, that's mostly used for bulking, hence its a short Ester of Deca, but overall, drugs r just part of it, get on a strict diet , figure out ur exact macros and bam u r set.
As Tsize and MisterB have said diet is the key to cutting...you must have a solid plan for your food or you will see no changes at all. Below is a photo of me a few weeks into a very mild blast of ultra rip and whinny followed by very strict diet and workouts. If I can do it at 44 i know you can too....

[attachment deleted by admin]
I'd stay away from clen and/or stims...the shit will... Not can fuck you up, its just a matter of when. Landed me in a cardiac unit for 5 days, had my heart stopped and restarted because it would not convert out of Afib on its own.

I'm weary of anything having to do with the thyroid. I know several bros with serious health complications due to this.
a doctor on another board that i go to sometimes says that the best cutters are actually the stronger steroids. the stronger the drug, the better it is for cutting according to him.

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