Oldie but Newbie Intro


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Hello all, excited to be here. I am 51 and have been lifting on an off for many years. My last "breaK' was for about 8-9 years (yeah, life happens). One day I looked at a photo of my 6'4" body and thought I was a skeleton at 175 pounds. I had started running and got my weigh down for speed. Well, I had enough of that. On to a Doc friend of mine and BAM, low Test levels, got on TRT at 180 Test C per week, Anastrozole and HCG (500 IUs X 2 per week). The first year I put on about 15 pounds and stalled at 190 lbs.

I decided to start blasting and am actually finishing a blast at the end of October. Just Test C and ran some anavar but have been getting good results (weight at 208 presently) and strength is a huge improvement. I am pumped to say I benched 285 last week (only two clean reps) but for a guy with a 36" shirt sleeve and skinny arms it has been a great accomplishment. Squat is at 345 X 8 and Bent dumbbell row (clean) is at around 120 for reps.

I am already planning my next blast with a goal of getting to 230-240 pounds with around 8-10% bodyfat. I am naturally lean. I eat CLEAN and take reasonable supplements.

I look forward to participating in this forum and getting some good info from you guys.
Welcome to the bd! Great guys here and amazing sponsors...all good.
Welcome brother. I'll be 50 myself in January and love this lifestyle. You came to a great board with awesome guys and vendors. The staff aint to bad either. 🙂
Welcome bro I actually tried this yesterday I think someone posted at the same time when I hit send it didnt go through. Glad to see your back into bodybuilding and making good gains again. This is a great place glad to have you here.
WELCOME to EG! very glad to have you and congrats on achieving some of your new fitness goals bro.

Here is a link to thread that will help you learn more about navagating the site. Lot's of info here, and lots of helpful members.

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