Operation cyber juice 16 labs busted


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash

go ahead and look up operation cyber juice does anyone know who this lab with the hulk is they were busted.
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    53.4 KB · Views: 99
Thats an eroids vendor isn't it? ... That's like one step from selling aas in the parking lot of the police station. Your just waiting get busted on eroids
well who ever knows whos labs they are should tell everyone who they are so we all know who might of used them in the pic
Its a joke. Everyone on most boards juices. And how many of us die from aas?
This is the biggest reason I no longer have a website. Too publicly visible...too much attention.

Iv order from hulk he was my first order ever ! It was great gear
I see the pic. But I would bet that's only about half of what they confiscated. There are gonna be some swolt up DEA agents in a couple of months.
Joker said:
Yup, then people want to know why I go dark for short moments at a time.
This started back in late June early July. I stopped talking to him back in early may.
One thing I've always ran with was my gut. ... when something don't feel right. ..I run with it.
It's too bad , he was a good dude.

Funny thing , I knew this article would pop up. Was just a matter of time. .... I was sitting back and waiting for it to unfold.
If it has worked for you thus far. Stick with your gut feelings Irish
erikgearhead said:
This is the biggest reason I no longer have a website. Too publicly visible...too much attention.

Absolutely it still baffles me why domestic guys would want a site?! Just asking to be busted
wondering what they planning atm...
There are still remnances of your site on the net bro. A few guys I helped were able to research your gear and prices online bro.

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