Opinions on bloodwork


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Just got some labs drawn. I’m currently on 200mgs of test per week. Prior to that I was taking test and 300mg tren for 16 weeks. Could the tren still be affecting my high levels of dht? It w tren hex. I’m planning on starting arimidex this week as well to help control my e2. Should I also start some finastride for the dht? Long history of cycling and trt, but my age is finally catching up to me Im 35 now. Havent been on EG in quite some time but some of ya might remember me. Hows it goin fellas.



Just got some labs drawn. I’m currently on 200mgs of test per week. Prior to that I was taking test and 300mg tren for 16 weeks. Could the tren still be affecting my high levels of dht? It w tren hex. I’m planning on starting arimidex this week as well to help control my e2. Should I also start some finastride for the dht? Long history of cycling and trt, but my age is finally catching up to me Im 35 now. Havent been on EG in quite some time but some of ya might remember me. Hows it goin fellas.

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d3r3kTrenbolone does not convert to DHT. But need some info to be able to put some input on this. How long ago were you on the tren and what dose of test were you taking when on the tren?

Your test levels are still high which about 10 percent of test taken is usually converted to DHT. But Tren can throw your Estro reading off too.

And if your not losing hair or having DHT related side effects then I would not worry about lowering your DHT levels. But yes, finasteride will lower your DHT levels.

Sorry to you and anyone else if any of this is wrong.....just did a couple quick Google searches and what little I know.
Trenbolone does not convert to DHT. But need some info to be able to put some input on this. How long ago were you on the tren and what dose of test were you taking when on the tren?

Your test levels are still high which about 10 percent of test taken is usually converted to DHT. But Tren can throw your Estro reading off too.

And if your not losing hair or having DHT related side effects then I would not worry about lowering your DHT levels. But yes, finasteride will lower your DHT levels.

Sorry to you and anyone else if any of this is wrong.....just did a couple quick Google searches and what little I know.
GetBig8586Thanks for your input brother, I actually have been noticing some slight hairloss/ hair thinning last year or so (honestly a while prior to this last cycle) I was doing 300mg test and 300mg test. I stopped the tren roughly 5-6 weeks ago, labs were drawn a week and a half ago.

Also as a side note, I believe Ive always had hormonal issues. I had gyno when I hit puberty and got it surgically removed when I turned 18. I still have possible estrogen symptoms… i have visible abs now on most days lol, but my lower part of stomach is always bloated. My body comp changes soo much day to day. Definitely doesn’t help my bad body dysmorphia.
Thanks for your input brother, I actually have been noticing some slight hairloss/ hair thinning last year or so (honestly a while prior to this last cycle) I was doing 300mg test and 300mg test. I stopped the tren roughly 5-6 weeks ago, labs were drawn a week and a half ago.

Also as a side note, I believe Ive always had hormonal issues. I had gyno when I hit puberty and got it surgically removed when I turned 18. I still have possible estrogen symptoms… i have visible abs now on most days lol, but my lower part of stomach is always bloated. My body comp changes soo much day to day. Definitely doesn’t help my bad body dysmorphia.
d3r3kWhat Ester of Tren were you running?? I'm guessing it was Tren E??
I will have to do some math and calculate out the halflifes and how long it will take for the test and tren to clear your system.
I gotta hit the hay right now, but I will get back to you tomorrow when I'm off work!
tren-hexa is what I was running. Added a little tren a in the beginning though.
tren-hexa is what I was running. Added a little tren a in the beginning though.
d3r3kyou may just be aromatizing the trt to high amts of DHT maybe?
you may just be aromatizing the trt to high amts of DHT maybe?
kragonYeah maybe, wish I ran labs while I was on too lol. Whats your opinion on me adding finastride? I definitely notice my hairline receding recently and hair thinning . I started the arimidex again at .5mg 2x a week.
Yeah maybe, wish I ran labs while I was on too lol. Whats your opinion on me adding finastride? I definitely notice my hairline receding recently and hair thinning . I started the arimidex again at .5mg 2x a week.
d3r3kI would definitely if it was me. Especially if it has only thinned a little. Crown hair is much more likely the regrow at a 61 percent chance. And temple hair at 37 percent.
Here is an article on it. I'd say go for it brother!

tren-hexa is what I was running. Added a little tren a in the beginning though.
d3r3kIt's should have mostly cleared your system by then. But of it didn't clear all the way tren can actually give a a false reading on your estrogen levels too. Throw off the estro portion of the bloods. I'll find the info on this and post it just so you can read it always good to know.

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