Opinions please?


NextGen Freak

Typically I'm running low test high tren (keeps my water weight and bloating down and I can still bulk pretty heavy) Typically I also add in 50-100mg adrol/day.

100mg Test P/Week
100mg Tren A/Day
100mg Adrol/Day

Thinking of keeping my liquids the same, but switching to anavar or winny for my oral. Anyone have an opinion as to which is better?

Current goals after recent back injury:
Reduce body fat from 15% to 12%
Get back to old wight of 250+ from 230lbs

Long term goal for 2014:
256lbs @ 12% bodyfat
IMO... I would rather run the var just because of joint comfort & it seems the gains although slow from anavar will hang in there. Have you eve added any mast to your cycles? I love the hardening and definition that mast will bring out with test/tren =)
How about this run tbol with var but keep tbol dose higher than var say 75tbol/50var ed
Along with your test p and tren at same dose ur already on..
Winny vs. Var the var is gonna get better lean muscle gains, but I like winny and tren together.
If u want to change body composition id run the tbol/var test tren ..then last 4 or 5 weeks switch to winmy and drop the tbol and var. Masteron is not gonna give u much visible results u have to be super lean to see most of its benefits. I would save mast for once u drop bf anf get back close to ur desried weight. Down around 12% and under the mast results will be much more aparent and beneficial. Jmo
Also did u mean 100mg of test p or 1000mg cause 100 is awful low?
HARD AT IT said:
IMO... I would rather run the var just because of joint comfort & it seems the gains although slow from anavar will hang in there. Have you eve added any mast to your cycles? I love the hardening and definition that mast will bring out with test/tren =)
I do run mast. Actully on it 300mg/week. Completely forgot to add that in my post. Kind of forgot I was on it when pinning is just habbit. I'm going to finish a little adrol and run the var and taper to winny like mentioned above ^

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