optimum dose of aromasin for 300mg a week of test


Iron Killer
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300mg a week would have to have some estrogen build up... probably no gyno or others issues for most... but to keep estro in the optimal range ... how much would you guess as a good starting point for aromasin.
I personally do 12.5mg EOD on a cruise dose of Test. I do the same dose on blasts but just go to ED dosing. I'll bump it up to 25mg ED on a very heavy blast, but usually don't have to go that high. Remember, estrogen balance is just that - a balance - too much is no good, but you don't want to anihillate it.
Aromasin needs daily dosing to be effective. It has a short half life of around 8 hours...and MUST be taken with food.

I'd suggest 12.5mg daily with breakfast on something like 300mg/week as a good starting point. Aromasin is extremely unlikely to cause estrogen to get too low due to it being a suicidal inhibitor. The body will produce more aromatase enzyme if it needs it.
i was asking because ... i was using a liquid version and a very little bit of the dropper and i crushed my estrogen to almost nothing... verified by my bloods. at the time i was running 150mg a week and took about an eighth of the dropper every other day.. and it got too low.

i haven't had bloods done this time but the erection problems are starting... not bad but i can tell...lol.. when i'm balanced i'm like a teenager again
krustus said:
i was asking because ... i was using a liquid version and a very little bit of the dropper and i crushed my estrogen to almost nothing... verified by my bloods. at the time i was running 150mg a week and took about an eighth of the dropper every other day.. and it got too low.

i haven't had bloods done this time but the erection problems are starting... not bad but i can tell...lol.. when i'm balanced i'm like a teenager again
150mg and 300mg are a lot farther apart in terms of needing an ai vs not, when compared to say 300mg vs 500mg. Once you go past the amount the body would naturally produce, you start needing an AI (if you didn't already need one to begin with).

If you run a TRT dose of Testosterone, along side a cycling dose of any other steroid, you'll need more AI than you would need with just the TRT dose. The anabolic you add doesn't even have to be one that converts to estrogen. By using an anabolic, the body tries to balance things out by increasing the rate of aromatase (the same as what happens under chronic stress!)

Everyone does respond a little differently, though....so maybe consider trying 300mg/week, and something like 12.5mg every other day with breakfast and check bloodwork. Daily administration is going to keep your e2 levels more consistent.

On second thought, I should ask-- what ester are you using, and what injection frequency? That could change things.
Look at how arimidex is often used clinically --a heavy dose a day or so after your shot, to match the serum testosterone peak, and smaller doses through the rest of the week.

id only use it Once a week @ 300 mg, do bloods i bet you're going to be low if you do it more than that, maybe Mondays and thursday 12.5 at the most.
The latest info I have read on aromasin said 12.5 to 25mg e3d. That's what I have been doing and I haven't had any issues.

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