Our President sings Amazing Grace


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what a powerful moment!!

Hes another one im so fucking tired of seeing.Him and his entire circus of a family!! A clown on display since he was first elected and became more of one with each passing day!!! So sick of seeing them perform for the world while everyone laughs including other countries leaders!!! From him singing,to his wifes hairstyle discussion to the clothes the kids wear,etc!!

They definitely got the blind fools that voted for him,TWICE NO LESS, what they wanted.A puppet family in clown suit's to show off and make fun of.See how non-racist this country is now??
i voted for him
bossman said:
i voted for him

My deepest sympathies.LOL

Don't get me wrong brother,I have almost the same ill feelings any of the presidents today.All are a bunch of fucking cowards,liars and thieves!! In addition,the president means shit today!! A name tag,thats it!! No matter what person they get into office,and no matter what good ideas they sell us during their campaigns,even if they mean to do them,congress has the final say anyway so its pointless. Also,once corporate america starts shoving money in their pockets to leave things the way they are and to vote their way,or completely ignore how things are,their good intentions go right out the fucking window!!

My problem with the current head dipshit in charge is as I described,he was and is still used as a circus act as well as his entire family.Every fucking move they make,its news worthy! I don't give a shit what outfit mrs obama is wearing or her hairstyle or what she eats! All I care about is what the president is doing to fix our once great nation!! PERIOD!!

All the other horseshit,including him singing amazing grace is smoke and mirrors to detract everyones attention from the real issues that plague this country.

I'll tell you who'd id love to see in office.....JUDGE JUDY!! That bitch tells it like it is!! No political correctness with her..Shes got the balls a president needs.LMFAO.I think the last president with balls may have been Reagan when France wouldn't let us fly over their air space and we "accidentally" bombed their consulate BAM!!! TAKE THAT!!!.
i am a big Judge Judy fan

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