Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobencyl carbonate)


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Reported Characteristics
Active-Life: About 5-7 Days
Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (For Injection)
Average Dosage: Men: 76-228mg weekly; Women: 76mg weekly (but, should not use)
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare, usually none
High blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes, highly toxic to kidneys also
Aromatization: None
Decreases HPTA function: Moderately

Parabolan was reported to be the most effective injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid available today. Real Parabolan provided users with a rapid build-up in strength and high quality muscle mass, while increasing fat burning (even when not dieting). The drug does not aromatize to estrogen or reduce to DHT. For this reason there was no noted water retention or feminizing effects. Parabolan sped up the metabolism as well. Due to the high androgenic quality, a hard, ripped, and vascular look with a dramatic increase in quality muscle mass resulted for all that reported use. This profile is what made Parabolan appear to be another all-purpose steroid.

So what's the problem? It was rare to find real Parabolan. Though the real product has a distinct odor, at least 95% seen was bogus. The real product is quite toxic to kidneys, so useres mostly kept usage to 4 - 8 weeks and drank at least an additional gallon of water daily. due to high degree of potential toxicity dark urine and even blood in urine can result from high, prolonged use (as can prostate enlargement due to the drug's structural similarity to DHT).

Parabolan was commonly stacked with growth hormone, thyroid, and/or Clenbuterol during diet periods for the synergistic effects. A simple stack of 20-30mg Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily and 152-228mg Parabolan weekly consistently brought excellent high quality strength and muschle mass gains while decreasing body fat.

Women should not use Parabolan due to a very high virilizing effect. But many competitive female athletes still did. Some stacked 76mg fo Parabolan every 5-8 days with 80-120mcg of Clenbuterol and either 15-20mg of Winstrol tabs or 10-15mg of Oxandrolone tabs daily.

Males usually obtained excellent results with 76mg every 2-3 days. (Thoug some doubled this amount unnecessarily)



*Denkell is manufacturing a similar Trenbolone product for veterinary use.
It is generally overpriced and not a good value. Tren enan is available much cheaper and with negligable difference in results. Just sayin...
Wabbitt said:
It is generally overpriced and not a good value. Tren enan is available much cheaper and with negligable difference in results. Just sayin...
WabbittYeah,.......but it took me a long type to type all of that!! Lol
Great info Tsizemore! I like tren E. It just makes colors brighter women tighter muscles bigger wallet thinner!
TSizemore said:
Wabbitt said:
It is generally overpriced and not a good value. Tren enan is available much cheaper and with negligable difference in results. Just sayin...
WabbittYeah,.......but it took me a long type to type all of that!! Lol
and you did a fine job. Keep up the hard work!
I bought a 20ml jug of this my last cycle. It was labeled T2. On the back the active ingredient list was test enanthate150 and test hydrowhatever instead of tren. Was that a typo?!
Tren hex is very expensive. Even the raw is like double what enan is...makes no sense. If your stuff was labeled test, you probably got test. It's way cheaper.
Becareful its a very expensive compound and I heard hard to get legit stuff so some sources sell tren E instead and you are paying more for something you are not getting.
I feel like I paid a lot for it. It yoked me up

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

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