

Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Alright I don't want spoon feeding , trying to wrap my head around the peptides... Any of y'all run CJC 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-6 ? I've read a lot of stuff over the last few months and from what I can see its more of a leaner. Nothing I read really puts it in lehmans terms. I need English .... Help me out .
i learned a lot on the datbtrue forum.. i'm in the middle of a ipamorelin and cjc no dac run right now and loving it. i started with the ghrp 2 but switched to ipam because of extreme hunger pains (presently cutting) they say ghrp6 is worse... i can't imagine what i would eat!!!

the changes come slow though over a long period (like real GH i have heard)... so far i have noticed... skin seems a little more youthful, eyebrows have gotten thicker, and more bowel movements (not diarrhea though) ... a sign of increased metabolism maybe? and i am getting leaner (combo of diet, workout and peptides i'm sure.)

here is some quotes...


* Ipamorelin is potent but the weakest GH releaser.
* GHRP-6 is very potent in effecting GH release.
* GHRP-2 is a little bit more potent then GHRP-6
* Hexarelin, the strongest is a little more potent then GHRP-2.


* Ipamorelin does not increase cortisol or prolactin at any dose.
* GHRP-6 dose not effect these hormones up to 100mcg but does so minimally above 100mcg.
* GHRP-2 has a stronger effect on these hormones at all dosing levels rising to the high normal range for cortisol & prolactin.
* Hexarelin at all dosing levels has the strongest impact on cortisol & prolactin with levels in the upper bounds of normalcy.


* Ipamorelin & GHRP-6 do not desensitize as long as there are short breaks between doses (i.e. 2 hours or so).
* GHRP-2 does not desensitize in the lower dose ranges w/ short breaks. At high dose it is unclear, but some desensitization may occur.* Hexarelin has been shown to desensitize w/o regard to dose and even with short breaks between doses. This effect shows up after 14 days of continuous use and may be avoided by either keeping doses low or taking a full day or two off every two weeks.
Man if ghrp 6 gives you stronger hunger pains than 2 then therex no way in hell I could pin that shit
i here ya bronco.... ghrp2 had me eating a whole bag of

and i started with just the pre bed full 100mcg of each dose. it effected my sleep. i dialed back (and switched to ipam) to half that and over the course of a few weeks have slowly ramped up to a little above half dose 3 times a day (morn, post workout, prebed... try not to eat for a little while afterwards)

i probably dial back to prebed dose only in a few months...
Paulrockr said:
Alright I don't want spoon feeding , trying to wrap my head around the peptides... Any of y'all run CJC 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-6 ? I've read a lot of stuff over the last few months and from what I can see its more of a leaner. Nothing I read really puts it in lehmans terms. I need English .... Help me out .
This is what I do,150mcg of each cjc and ghrp-2, I pin first thing when I get up and just before bed, you do not want to eat any carbs or fats 1 hour before or after pin, as far as ghrp-6 being a leaner I couldn't tell you but I do get some strong hunger pains from the ghrp2
Become a member over at dat's forum. Your head will explode with info on peptides. I am planning a run of MOD-GRF and GHRP-2. I have them in house just waiting til I am back from vacation to get started. I will do saturation doses of 100 mcg or each 2 to 3 times a day. Bronco was right about the carbs and fats. I am anxious about the hunger though. I plan on first thing in the morning pre fasted cardio. ??? Then pre workout and some times before bed.
Maxpep has a combo out for this right now - buy1 get 1.... Real enticing just wanted to see if anyone else is having any success with it before I do. Me and my brother joebad have been looking at these.
Maximpep is gtg. I'm on his ghrp2 combo and it hits me good. I get hungry big time off it. One of the few thing that can punch through my adderall . I'm taking it to leeann out but my muscle mass is increasing too
from my understanding it takes a while to really have effects...but you can get the same or similar effects of HGH. (hgh must be run a long time too right?)

so stock up on enough to get thru a few months.
yes its a long haul commitment type anciliary... but I am getting blown away with the day to day changes that I notice - whether it be appearance or performance. I love working out ... always have... but keep catching myself lately saying "hey this is fun... or ohh what a trip" this is after a workout, or in the middle of a few sets... it just gives you results that surprise and delight - i guess thats the best way i could put it.

Try it and report back.. it's cheap enought to experiement with - so y not right?
I'm hitting up maximpep 🙂
Thanks guys much appreciated

A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will search I vain elsewhere
krustus said:
good luck rocker... you got the understanding of dosing and schedule right?
krustusworking on all the details.. Makings order while the price is right. Still on my current cycle, be done with it in two weeks. Gonna run with after my pct

A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will search I vain elsewhere
most people looking for the most gains do 3 doses a day...morning ... post workout and prebed 100mcg of each. i couldn't start at that dose. had to work up to half that 3 times a day.. but started just half dose prebed.... when i tried a full 100mcg prebed i had sleep issues.

good luck
krustus said:
most people looking for the most gains do 3 doses a day...morning ... post workout and prebed 100mcg of each. i couldn't start at that dose. had to work up to half that 3 times a day.. but started just half dose prebed.... when i tried a full 100mcg prebed i had sleep issues.

good luck
krustuswhat kind of sleep issues? I've heard you sleep like a rock

A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will search I vain elsewhere
keeps some people up at night / hard to fall asleep.

If that happens try melatonin or ambien if you have a script 😉
i just cut the dose to half (50mcg) of each prebed and yes sleep like a rock... slowly upped the dose to 50mcg 2 times aday... then three times.. and now i am approaching the 100mcg per dose (3 times) with no sides (still sleep like a rock)
SoCal said:
keeps some people up at night / hard to fall asleep.

If that happens try melatonin or ambien if you have a script 😉
SoCal I take 50 -75 mg trazadone every night to help me sleep... Should be fine on that end .... If my brain don't reset the rage beast can be a mother... And that's without gear lol

A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will search I vain elsewhere

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