Perfluorinated chemicals (pfcs) found in nearly half of all fast food wrappers from....


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Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) found in nearly half of all fast food wrappers from McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks and other food retailers
09/17/2018 / By Russel Davis

High cholesterol and rising blood sugar levels are not the only trade-offs people get from eating their favorite fast food fixes. A new study has found that highly-toxic chemicals are present in some of the wrappers used for fast food packaging, and these chemicals may contaminate the food and make their way into the bloodstream of the consumer.

While it is no secret that fast food items continue to bloat the American belly, perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) found in fast food wrappers appear to further exacerbate the drastically declining health status of the general population. PFCs are the same chemicals used to line nonstick cookware, flame retardants and stain-resistant products.

Previous research revealed that PFCs found in such packaging may actually migrate into the food itself, which when consumed, can accumulate in the body. A recent study found modest amounts of PFCs in 56 percent of dessert and bread wrappers, 20 percent of paperboard products – such as those the hold french fries or other fried foods – and 38 percent of sandwich and burger wrappers. Researchers also found this compound in 57 percent of Tex-Mex food wrappers and 16 percent of beverage containers.

In 2011, some food packaging manufacturers in the United States began voluntarily pulling the use of these PFCs from their products due to health concerns. Findings from one study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, made it evident, however, that even though these harmful chemicals are being phased out by some manufacturers due to their potential health risks, other manufacturers are choosing to continue their use.

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“This study reinforces the reality that these chemicals are highly persistent in the environment, and may find their ways into people’s bodies for years after they are no longer intentionally added,” noted outside expert Dr. Leonardo Trasande. He continued, “This study adds to concerns about chemicals that contaminate highly processed or packaged foods, potentially magnifying health effects above and beyond the effects that may result from their high-fat or high-sugar content.”

The health hazards of PFCs

Various clinical studies have identified a strong correlation between PFCs and adverse health concerns.

PFCs found in fast food packaging may play a role in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes. A Canadian study in the journal Environmental Research revealed a correlation between PFC exposure and elevated cholesterol levels in adults. Another diabetes study revealed a significant correlation between high PFC exposure and impaired glucose homeostasis, as well as greater prevalence of the disease. High PFC exposure was also tied to the development of ulcerative colitis.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology showed that children, especially boys, with higher prenatal PFC exposure were at increased risk of congenital cerebral palsy.

A case-control study of Inuit women revealed that pregnant women who were at the highest quintile of PFC exposure showed a significantly increased risk of suffering premenopausal breast cancer. The findings were published in the journal Environmental Health.

Various other studies have also associated PFCs in fast food packaging with a host of adverse conditions including low birth weight, thyroid disease and kidney and testicular cancers.

PFC as an environmental concern

The production of various commercial and industrial products using perfluorinated compounds has been heavily scrutinized for years due to its potential environmental impact.

A 2015 study published in Environmental Research examined how PFC prevalence affects the food chain balance in the Arctic region. Researchers found that exposure to this toxic compound might have a significant impact on the behavior, hormonal balance and survival capacity of polar bears in the region.

“The amount of these compounds has been increasing in the Arctic in recent years. We should therefore also be aware of the effects they have on the environment and the people who live there,” study lead author Kathrine Eggers Pedersen stated.

Another study revealed a correlation between PFC exposure and consumption of fish from U.S. urban rivers and great lakes. Fillet samples from fish showed a significant occurrence of PFCs within certain bodies of water in the U.S.

Everything is slowly killing us. I’ve had terrible health issues I cant resolve last few years. I just got a hair mineral test done and it came back that I have highly toxic levels of aluminum in my body. Im 30 going on 80. I go to a hollistic doctor who runs special bloodwork that normal doctors dont do. Every regular doctor tells me everything is fine. But im in such poor physical and mental health lately. Some days idk if I’m gunna make it.
Everything is slowly killing us. I’ve had terrible health issues I cant resolve last few years. I just got a hair mineral test done and it came back that I have highly toxic levels of aluminum in my body. Im 30 going on 80. I go to a hollistic doctor who runs special bloodwork that normal doctors dont do. Every regular doctor tells me everything is fine. But im in such poor physical and mental health lately. Some days idk if I’m gunna make it.
Sorry to hear it brother. Have you tried making changes to your diet with more natural and homemade dishes? I prepare and eat much of my families food so I know exactly what were putting into our bodies.Do organic,and non gmo as much as possible too. Diet truly does have such an important role in ones health that the more healthy choices you can make,the better.
There is so much shit out there today,you have to avoid as much of it as possible.
Yeah bro I just started keto because I’ve been reading and believe that all illnesses are fed by carbs and sugars. 2.5 weeks in im down 6 pounds. I take activated charcoal and something called CSM powder as well to help push toxins out and bought a personal IR sauna to sweat out toxins. I had lyme disease in the past which slowly kills you and also have something called CIRS due to a suppressed immune system and loving in a black mold infested home. Not many people know the dangers of toxic black mold. It causes damn near every symptom and leads to more sicknesses. I have some crazy symptoms that are unexplainable. I’m in a different doctor 2x a week minimum. My next visit with the hollistic dr is this Friday 2 states away. My bloodwork has improved but i still feel dead mentally. Last time I felt good was when i was super lean. Because toxins hide in fat cells. So the less fat you have the better because they have no where to stay.
I literally have like 20+ health issues that im trying to fix and more keep creeping up.
Yeah bro I just started keto because I’ve been reading and believe that all illnesses are fed by carbs and sugars. 2.5 weeks in im down 6 pounds. I take activated charcoal and something called CSM powder as well to help push toxins out and bought a personal IR sauna to sweat out toxins. I had lyme disease in the past which slowly kills you and also have something called CIRS due to a suppressed immune system and loving in a black mold infested home. Not many people know the dangers of toxic black mold. It causes damn near every symptom and leads to more sicknesses. I have some crazy symptoms that are unexplainable. I’m in a different doctor 2x a week minimum. My next visit with the hollistic dr is this Friday 2 states away. My bloodwork has improved but i still feel dead mentally. Last time I felt good was when i was super lean. Because toxins hide in fat cells. So the less fat you have the better because they have no where to stay.
I literally have like 20+ health issues that im trying to fix and more keep creeping up.
Shit brother,im very sorry.Prayers are with you. Too much going on for me to advise you.Hop you are able to move to a safer place at the least.
Hang in there brother.Never lose faith and hope.Keeping a strong mental state is a major factor in getting better.Keep us informed.
Yeah bro I just started keto because I’ve been reading and believe that all illnesses are fed by carbs and sugars. 2.5 weeks in im down 6 pounds. I take activated charcoal and something called CSM powder as well to help push toxins out and bought a personal IR sauna to sweat out toxins. I had lyme disease in the past which slowly kills you and also have something called CIRS due to a suppressed immune system and loving in a black mold infested home. Not many people know the dangers of toxic black mold. It causes damn near every symptom and leads to more sicknesses. I have some crazy symptoms that are unexplainable. I’m in a different doctor 2x a week minimum. My next visit with the hollistic dr is this Friday 2 states away. My bloodwork has improved but i still feel dead mentally. Last time I felt good was when i was super lean. Because toxins hide in fat cells. So the less fat you have the better because they have no where to stay.
I literally have like 20+ health issues that im trying to fix and more keep creeping up.
I wish we had other buttons besides like because I appreciate you sharing. My wife struggles will various similar issues as it seams like food is killing her slowly. She has educated me and I support her and am trying to get in line. I wish you all the best!


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