Photo of Second Surgery


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As everyone knows the first Dr screwed my arm up and left a mess, shit load of scar tissue to clean out and had to have a replacement tendon added (Achilles). Here is a picture 5 days after surgery, Dr had to cut over the old incision and then up onto my upper arm so he could get to the unattached bicep and scar tissue. He said that he could not even tell where the other Dr had attached the tendon, my personal feeling, he didn't do any MRI's (first problem), so he didn't know if he was going to need a donor tendon and I am sure he did once he opened me up and did not have one readily available, so he tried to stretch the tendon I had out and it didn't take even from the first day of surgery. This is my take and speculation on it from everything I know now.IMG_1203 (2).jpg First surgeon caused my arm to look different than it would have if he hadn't screwed up trying to be arrogant and a know it all.
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Hope this time is the charm so that your arm will be fully functional again. Good you found a doctor who is more competent than the other one. Heal up fast!
That sucks! The first doctor should pay for the second surgery and not charge you for the first one in which he obviously didn’t do anything. Lawsuit waiting to happen!
Yes sir, I am still searching for a good lawyer that will take on the case. I have good insurance and thought about trying to get the insurance company to go after him too but figured it might backfire on me at the same time.?
Godspeed on your recovery! You should also report him to whatever the proper medical board is. This way others can know what type of surgeon he is. These type of surgeons shouldn't be practicing. A major surgery is a scary thing to undergo, and to be put through it twice do to incompetence is absolutely unacceptable.
Thanks jstone, yes sir I am right there with you. It is almost impossible to prove malpractice from what I am learning, after the first surgery I went to multiple Dr's trying ot get something done and the bad thing is no Dr wants to go in behind another Dr and clean up his mess, I did finally get referred to a great Dr that does cleanup work behind other Dr's also.
Yea bro, I will be able to build mass but bicep will never be the same, shorter than it used to be, thought about trying see if more surgery would help but I really don't think it will. Maybe hook up with the surgeons off of that program botched that fix other Dr'd screw ups but that would cost a pretty penny (wishful thinking)....
I want to thank all my brothers here for the support they have shown and the kind words, lord knows this has been a trying time.

Thank you all!!!!!
unfortunately Thor
I can relate to your situation oh so well . I had a botched up surgery on my back many years ago and had to go back in for another surgery. The new Doc had to take all the hardware out and put everything back in plus going up another two levels.
I just don't trust doctors for me they're just like mechanics you never know when you're going to get one that really knows the trade or one this just going along to get a paycheck. most of all I hope you are recovering well they can put it behind you.
Thanks Tone bro, I am really sorry to hear about you experience with your back and I feel the same way about Dr's, it's a crap shoot.
I have read some horror stories about surgeons where the hospital covers things up to save face and keep from being sued and they continue to let the problem Dr stay and work, it is like the issue never happened.
With my second surgery prior to going in for the surgery itself.
I had the anaesthesiologist come in and asked me to sign a piece of paper when I asked him what it's was for he said in case you go blind during the surgery it free us from responsibility ?? WTF!
Yup even my dentist had me sign a similar paper when I had to go for a tooth extraction/implant. It basically is CYA.

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